
A few episodes back, Carson threw some shade on Michelle's vague critique of Acid Betty (at least I think it was Betty). Carson gave Michelle a WTF look then turned to the queen and said, "Yes. Give us more… but less! We want you… but not you!" It was soooo dead on. She thinks she's being helpful but I rarely

I also met David Sedaris at a book reading. I brought my copy of his book to the reading and stood in line for an hour and a half to get it signed. He'd talked about his love of Japan and, having travelled there myself, we chatted about some shared experiences. Above his signature, he wrote, "We'll always have

Good to hear Sutton is still friends with her ex although, as you said, working on the same tv series together might be a little too much daily interaction lol.

Maybe Sutton wasn't on Smash because her ex husband, Christian Borle, was cast to play Tom Levitt?

Is it possible Noah only imagined seeing the boat and that, plus the voices in his mind, caused him to pull over and insist that Helen take the wheel? He admitted that not only was he drunk, his mind was fucked up too. As another poster mentioned, he'd mixed Xanax with booze.

I forgot that Jeffries said that last season. It appears the writers also forgot that because I just rewatched last night's episode and in at least two scenes, Oscar is behind the bar, pouring drinks and wiping glasses with a towel. He's out of focus so its easy to miss him unless you're looking for him.

Was Alison walking to The End where she and Noah had a reservation for the night? And is that where Scotty was also headed, to ask for his job back?
With a name like The End, it must be the furthest point whereas the Lobster Roll is at the entrance to Montauk. Why would both Alison and Scotty WALK that distance?

Oscar was probably at the wedding as a waiter, not as a guest. After Oscar lost the Lobster Roll he was forced to get a job working there for Cole and Allison. We saw him serving tables when he gave Noah's lawyer a slip of paper.
Margaret was at the wedding because Luisa's mother has worked for Margaret for 30 years.

Homeland wasn't the first - ten years ago an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm featured a Passover Seder.

I agree with you for the most part but puh-lease don't compare Violet to The Other Tyra.

World of Wonder is a production company that produces RPDR for Logo TV. Over the seasons, corporate sponsors have come and gone. M.A.C. Cosmetics only sponsored one season I think and Absolut Vodka pulled out after several seasons.

Rainbow Brite!

Sorry, I misunderstood you!
I also remember Geoffrey wrinkling his nose and making a snide comment that Sharon might not be the best choice to represent the Absolut brand. But he was evidently overruled so I guess it's true, Mama Ru has the final say.

RPDR is their main moneymaker so you'd think they wouldn't pass on Untucked. But my understanding is that Logo is financially strapped so I guess they had no choice.

Untucked is on YouTube because Logo didn't buy it this season. The sponsor for Untucked is Squarespace. In Canada, Untucked airs right after drag race because OUTtv bought it. It comes down to dollars and cents, nothing else.

Eh, this ain't 1983, Violet ain't Vanessa Williams and this ain't the Miss America pageant. If Absolut Vodka was still the sponsor and their talking head with the stick up his arse was still involved (Geoffrey something??) then Violet's sex tape could be an issue. But generally speaking, I don't think that in this day

I dunno, for the most part I was underwhelmed with the final runway looks.

Too many team challenges, and not enough time spent in the workroom, yup, I'm with you on those points.

I agree, this season most of the lip syncs were lip stanks.

Whoa… I have a new respect for her tuck.