Doctor Professor

Donald Trump is a bad president and a bad person.

I'm sorry. They're highly enjoyable.

The nazi publication The Daily Stormer posted a statement after Trump's pathetic remarks noting how incredibly pleased they are that he didn't mention nazis or white supremacists specifically, made a comment about hate on both sides, and refused to answer a question about white nationalists supporting him.

I will compare it to BLM protests in the sense that if a massive BLM protest had showed up somewhere with people armed with torches, homemade shields, and weapons, there would have been an insane amount of riot police there immediately.

Statues are not history. Teach history in school. About how the south treasonously rebelled against America because they wanted to keep slaves. A statue is glorification.

That only works if Facebook is trying to raise awareness of their video streaming platform and forcibly pushes the video everywhere.

What does that mean? I take a "headlining set" to be an hour and a half or more long, but I imagine that won't be the case at the VMAs.

I am incredibly confused by that nickname. Are big ears a commonly known trait of pirates? I had never heard of this.

This morning Trump tweeted:

I guess since he had already blown it, he did a segment on his show tonight about the tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch.

Is Hulu still doing that dumb thing where they release shows weekly so I have to wait 10 weeks to binge watch the show?

Broad City is fantastic, but I really hate that it birthed or at least popularized "yaas."

I don't think It's Pat was hateful, but it definitely wasn't very funny even back then, and absolutely does not hold up now.

Good. Now I never again have to hear her spouting her insane bullshit on CNN.

I thought this comment may be some sort of really long ridiculous joke, because it's wrong in just about every assertion it makes, but apparently it's serious.

_____ is still a thing is still a thing?

I watch and enjoy Empire, but I am totally aware it is a bad show. No way should it have won Program of the Year.

I just finished watching The Young Pope. It was beautifully shot and directed, and well acted, but incredibly boring. They should have called it The Pope Who Was An Orphan And Mopes Around All The Time Because He Can't Find His Parents.

That sounds kind of fun, but I can't watch it, so I guess I'll never know.

I hope they explain why Vulcans have pointy ears too. I definitely need all different physical traits of alien species explicitly explained to me.