Doctor Professor

Damn. I'm not great at reading, apparently.

I don't know how I'd feel about it, but it'd be pretty damn ballsy to make the ending of the series be that the the Night King wins and every single character we know is dead.

Did we 100% see Benjen die? Maybe he'll miraculously show up again at the exact right moment if another Stark needs saving north of the wall.

Donald Trump was born in 1946. World War 2 ended in 1945. I'm pretty sure he's heard of it.

I only signed up with a disqus account. Does that count as an av club account that I can switch over?

I'm gonna go with 17 million. And no one will be around to find this comment if I end up being wrong.

If he really wants Trump to stop saying these disgusting things, he can make it happen easily. Put out an edict that Fox News will not be speaking this way anymore. Trump's horrific press event consisted entirely of him parroting bullshit that he heard on Fox News. As does most of what he says.

How dare they erase the history of Chuck E. Cheese like that.

The Challenge is still great. And I keep watching The Real World even though it's really terrible. Mostly so I'll know who the new people that show up on The Challenge are.

Fair point. You've gotta do what you love.

You've really got to stop breaking into people's houses and eating their soup.

Because drug dealers are more often low income black men, and hackers are more affluent and more often white.

Time Warner owns HBO, so they've got plenty of money.

Oh. So she's going to be performing it on a cruise. Not anywhere that anyone can actually watch/hear it.

This Twitter thread is a pretty interesting look at how Confederate monuments came to be.

There were no fine people there to protest the removal of a statue. It was billed as an alt-right, white nationalist rally, and people were marching with swastikas, white supremacists group logos, and chanting hate slogans. Any fine person who happened to be there for some reason would have turned around and left

Trump said a lot of insane things in this, but I would really like to point out that he repeatedly said he was watching what was happening in Charlottesville much more closely than all of the reporters were, but also that when he made his original statement, he didn't know David Duke was there. Which anyone actually

Every day is more embarrassing and disgraceful than the one before.

Sadly, these idiots exist. I saw a far right crazy person that I work with share an image with similar sentiments about The Statue of Liberty today.

It's coming from those notorious hate groups Black Lives Matter, who are absolutely hateful of black people being gunned down by police, and AntiFa, who hate the hell out of fascists. They are totally the same, or even worse than white supremacists and nazis.