Doctor Professor

How in the hell is Doug Benson not among that list of people on the last episode of @midnight?

There were transcripts of phone calls released between both Trump and Pena Nieto and Trump and Turnbull. Not a transcript of Trump discussing the Turnbull phone call with Pena Nieto.

Wait, what? This a movie they're doing? I don't recall ever having heard of this before, and it sounds terrible.

As pointed out by Susan Hennessey from Lawfareblog.com, the email tricking leads one to believe that this White House is very used to sending and receiving messages from personal email accounts, which could be a legal violation.


Also because a large portion of Trump's base is totally uninformed. They get all their news from Fox News and Breitbart and Infowars, which doesn't cover any of his constant failures and lunacy, and they reject anything negative as part of the deep state fake news conspiracy.

Alright, I guess that makes sense.

That will not be occurring. The White House has already stated that The Mooch will be reporting directly to Trump, not to Kelly.

Did I miss something, or was there actually no reason they needed Ferdinand for their plan?

I agree that Mahershala is amazing, and I guess I'll take you at your word that you would kill it as Green Lantern.

Currently the Department of Homeland Security has no idea who their acting head will be.

It was in fact quite difficult for me to accurately type out that quote because of his terrible speech pattern.

Also, while speaking to police officers in New York today, Trump encouraged them to physically abuse suspects who are being taken into custody.

Is a "Donald Trump suit" a suit that doesn't fit properly whatsoever?

Until Avatar 2 comes out and makes all the money and the cycle begins anew.

If your pizza requires a dipping sauce, your pizza is shitty.

I'm going to be rather sad the day that my old 80GB iPod Classic dies.

Might be about time for Lay's to shut this contest down. The last few years the flavors have been woefully uninteresting. Last on I liked was ginger wasabi.

Presently, at 1:17 AM, they are still stalling the vote, and Senator Claire McCaskill has tweeted from the floor that there may be a glimmer of hope that we stop this and hopefully start over. Mike Pence was there talking to McCain for a good while, but has now totally left the chamber. They do not have the votes, but

But why would Henry Cavill's mustache be affecting Justice League in any way? Superman totally died at the end of Batman Vs. Superman and we all absolutely believe that.