Doctor Professor

The Bill Simmons Podcast, HDGTM, Doug Loves Movies, Pod Save America, Lovett or Leave it, The Lowe Post, and The Watch are the ones I am subscribed to. I was also subscribed to Go Bayside! but it has now ended.

I sincerely hope that one of the amendments they have ready is "Wipe out this bill and replace it with the ACA."

In addition to being an attempt to make sure he gets funding for his idiotic wall, they are trying to turn this into a wedge issue like W did with gay marriage in 2004. An administration official said of the transgender policy this morning:

I was very confused by how that anecdote got so incredibly messed up.

Maybe he did his best but his best just isn't any good.

And I absolutely remember seeing commercials telling me to make rotel + velveeta dip when I was a child.

What the hell are you talking about? I grew up in Ohio and can not remember a time when I was unaware of queso.

A few hours later, he seems to have tweeted out confirmation of a covert CIA operation to aid anti-Assad rebels in Syria while shit talking The Washington Post.

I watched The Celebrity Apprentice. I feel very bad about it now. I felt kind of bad about it then too. It was a horrible show, and Trump was a disgusting piece of trash on it.

They should just change it to San Diego Movie Trailer-Con and be truthful.

Pretty weird that in her explanation of why Jon Snow might be important, Melisandre opted not to mention that he had died and been brought back to life. That's kind of a big deal.

I think I thought the same thing that the organizers did. I had no damn clue that many people were still interested in Pokemon Go.

I have no idea what tone this trailer was going for, but it failed.


Always remember, Steve Harvey is a massive douchebag. And not just because of that memo he sent to his staff.

Also, this movie is going to suck.

That's the main joke, sure. But maybe the secondary joke is that his impression is awful.

I knew this was going to happen.

Well I see his Will Smith impression hasn't gotten any better at all. Is it supposed to be part of the joke that he doesn't sound like Will Smith whatsoever?

Anyone who ever makes the "THAT WOULD BE A SWEET METAL BAND NAME!" joke is a tool. The joke is well played out.