Doctor Professor

He's referring to a totally bullshit video made by Steven Crowder and subsequently ranted about by Rush Limbaugh. The video was very heavily edited, and no one actually refused to make a cake. Some stores he went into don't make cakes, so they were unable to fulfill the request.

It takes less than five minutes. Anytime at all is good. Don't just call tomorrow. Call every day. Here is the list of all senators phone numbers:

Three people resigned from CNN and a story was retracted because it wasn't up to their editorial standards, not because there was any evidence that the story is actually untrue.

I would like to fail so hard that I get a nationally broadcast tv program.

This thing about the Democrats being a party of obstructionists who don't want to get anything done becomes even more ridiculous if you stop for a second and realize that damn near the only thing that the GOP and the Trump administration have done at all since the inauguration and having control of all branches of the

Farenthold also unearthed this 2010 photoshop tutorial that uses a fake Time cover as the teaching tool. It includes a barcode. The same barcode.

When you're trying to do a shared cinematic universe, it seems like a really bad idea to make an entire movie that is based in a completely alternate reality. So they'll probably do it.

I always just assumed that Gilligan has a plan for BCS and AMC is going to let him tell the story.

Yeah, that magic flying carpet wouldn't be able to go that fast. That is definitely the thing to discredit about a magic flying carpet.

Stupid articles like this are why I stopped reading Gizmodo a long time ago.

For real people, call your senators. Once a day. I live in NC, and both of mine are Republicans, and neither has been mentioned as even being close to on the fence for this, but their staffs keep a tally. They need to know this is not what their constituents want them to do, and they have to be forced to start

Indeed. So not even remotely an acceptable answer.

My immediate thought was betting line, and I'm pretty sure Trebek would have at the least asked me to be more specific. Over/under is something else entirely.

Hey Tom Holland, that is definitely not what a "spoiler" is.

That's odd. I've never once heard a single person mention having seen The Accountant. Apparently enough people saw it to warrant a sequel. I'm genuinely surprised.

"Thomas Middleditch is one of the funniest people of all"

Sure, he made the Da Vinci Code into a hit movie, but it sure as hell wasn't a good movie.

All this shit where everyone just says "The Media" is lying about everything all the time when they don't like that the awful things they do get reported on really fucking needs to stop. There is a state senator in NC that has gone begun referring to them as "Jihad Media" because they dared to report on the constant

It is an absolute disgrace that Alycia Debnam-Carey left The 100 for this horrible show.

I'm 100% with you. (Tomato) Ketchup is absolutely the worst condiment.