Doctor Professor

A few other really terrible things in this bill:

I was surprised that Neil Grayston showed up to seemingly play an absolutely one off guy that Liv almost hooks up with, and then that's all.

She was definitely not clueless about zombies. That's what she was really investigating, not Aleutian Flu.

Also, how the hell did Harley know there was going to be a zombie party happening there for him to blow up?

You can read his tweet in reference to finding the Comey tape in Russia, but I took it as referring to the pee tape referred to in the Steele dossier.

Hopefully other places launch this as well, because if our hopes are tied to Sonic producing something that doesn't take like garbage, we're screwed.

They shot an episode of that show at a shop next to my barber a little bit ago. I only found out when I was getting my hair cut. They shot on a Saturday, and I happened to stop into that store the following Monday. I was very disappointed in myself for my poor timing.

We absolutely do not fire Pelosi. She's a strong leader for the congressional democrats and is very good at getting votes in order. They demonize her because she's highly competent at what she does.

Yesterday on Fox News, McCain said:

The only people they're thinking of are the very wealthy. Always. They do not give one single fuck about brown people in the inner city or white people in rural areas.

I want to be incredibly clear on this, as it is by far the most important part of the issue:

It's even more insane if you remember that the wall was already estimated to cost $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain. Solar panels aren't cheap. The cost would absolutely skyrocket.

I don't agree with you on either of those points, but I have found that she comes off as very insincere and pandering in any instance that I've seen here on a late night show or heard her on a podcast.

Nah, just to know if there was anything at all that came of it in anyway whatsoever. If maybe it came up as a mildly interesting semi important way that she was able to sneak past something possibly.

I like this show. It's not "peak TV," but it's entertaining and nice. Sometimes you need something like that.

Has anyone made a joke about how the best way to avoid being sexually assaulted is to stay away from Bill Cosby?

The weirdest recurring thing for me in Wonder Woman was the very borderline uncomfortable level of blatant comments about how incredibly gorgeous she is. That shit was weird.

Maybe. But once I'm out, I'm out. There is too much good tv around for me to waste time watching something I don't enjoy, and I really did not enjoy this season. Except for the weird Gloria goes to California alien robot prequel episode.

There are a few decent episodes in the first season. And it really does get so incredibly much better in season two. They identified what the weakest parts were and fixed them. And there's even a line in a season two episode that I took as a pretty direct shot at how bad Vandal Savage was.

I've mentioned before, but it is very worth repeating: