Doctor Professor

They must have gotten lost on their way to find actual nazis to yell at. Like Sebastian Gorka. Who is still currently a deputy assistant to Trump.

Even if the pizza ice cream is somehow good, I definitely don't want to put it on a slice of regular pizza. When you get a brownie a la mode, you don't put chocolate brownie batter ice cream on the brownie. It's about the contrasting flavors working well together, not just more of the same flavor.

This is quite a good album.

The most major reason that the attempted healthcare repeal isn't getting covered is 100% by design of the senate Republicans. There is no almost no news at all to actually cover about it. Everything is being done completely in secret. Sure, they can do a story on the fact that this is happening, but there are barely

Once in the Senate, the ACA was in hearings for 36 days, markup for 18 days, and debated on the floor for 26 days, coming in at a total of 80 days. This bill will be in hearings for 0 days, markup for 0 days, and will potentially be debated on the floor for the absolute minimum allowed time of 20 hours.

Is this a trick by Vice to get their cameras into North Korea again like it was last time?

Maura Healey, the Attorney General for Massachusetts tweeted today:

Everyone who saw Cougar Town liked Cougar Town. But we all had to get past how stupid the name of the show was. It helped that the title card regularly mocked the name.

I missed today's show, but please someone tell me that a contestant rang in and tried "balls" for hot as/blue.

What the hell? Did he think he won a Nobel prize for Moby Dick?

This is one of those articles that when you're finished writing it, you should really stop and take a minute to think about whether it's worth posting. I'd have gone with, no, this is dumb.

Nice to see their new slogan will also be a blatant lie. MSNBC has been killing them in the ratings lately.

That's fine. The proper hand sign is done with the thumb in anyway.

The first season was good, but it was good entirely because of the acting and directing. The writing was pretty garbage, which became much more clear in season two when the superb acting and directing were no longer present.

Donny Jr. is from New York, right? And very rich? Doesn't that absolutely make him a New York elite?

It will follow Lance Reddick the whole day as he is taking care of John Wick's dog.

I'll take your word for it.

Call your senators. The AHCA is awful, and the secret senate version will also no doubt be terrible.

Reporting is that Trump wanted to fire Mueller, but his aides talked him out of it, for now. And he currently believes that the possibility of being fired will lead Mueller to quickly arrive at a full blanket exoneration for Trump.

I'm pretty happy with my no watching Ryan Murphy shows ever again rule that I instituted after AHS: Witches.