Doctor Professor

He had a party in the rose garden when it passed.

The rapid success of Uber really shows that we need to develop a ton more mass transit in this country.

Senators are meeting behind closed doors with insurance industry executives about the bill, but will not reveal it to the public. It was reported today that Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Steve Daines (R-MT), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Dean Heller (R-NV), John Hoeven (R-ND), and Thom Thillis (R-NC) met with Blue

Chuck Schumer made a parody video of Trump getting praised.

This was an absolutely nothing episode.

This asshat should not be given a platform. Even if the entire point of the interview was to expose how crazy he is. Which I'm betting it won't be.

It's a place for pretty entertaining Top Chef recaps and Alan Sepinwall TV reviews. I used to post over there under this same name until it went 99% clickbait.

I'm confused. As far as I understand, the entire point of this show is people getting drunk and hooking up.

The Paris Climate Accord wasn't the only global treaty recently that Trump decided the U.S. shouldn't be a part of. This past Wednesday, 68 countries met, once again in Paris, and signed a treaty meant to prevent companies from throwing in their money in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes.

Protestors cited Shara Law's poor treatment of women as one of the reasons they were against it. Even though I'm pretty damn sure that they also own "Trump that bitch" t-shirts.

Copied and pasted as requested:

The damn show was called How I Met Your Mother, not How I Ended Up With Your Stepmother.

And Jared Kushner omitted a meeting with a Russian official from his security clearance form, which is potentially a felony, but that's fine too.

The thing about being under investigation is that you don't really get to choose whether you testify under oath or not. If Mueller decides he needs to, he has to.

His full response to the question was "100%. I didn't say, under oath, I hardly know the man, I'm not gonna say I want you to pledge allegiance, who would do that, who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath, I mean, think of it, I hardly know the man, I hardly know the man, it doesn't make sense, no I didn't

A whole bunch of people have kinda sorta expressed interest in appearing on a show that will maybe never exist.

Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on an airplane for a few minutes and they lost their shit.

He absolutely did not declare the NY Times as fake news. Are you referring to Kasowitz saying the NYT was quoting the Comey memos before they were released? Because that timeline is wrong.

Well he already told Lester Holt on camera that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation, and absolutely nothing happened.

He didn't just charge the charitable event to use the golf courses, he drastically overcharged them.