Doctor Professor

Season one of LOT is kinda rough, because Vandal Savage is a terrible season long villain, and the hawk people are awful actors and characters, but it had some decent episodes. In season two, they seem to have been aware of a lot of the problems and worked to remedy them, and it was a lot more fun. I'd say go for it,

Once Weeds went entirely off the rails for all the seasons after they burned Agrestic down, I vowed to never watch another Jenji Kohan show.

While all this other shit was going on, the House voted along party lines to repeal the Dodd-Frank banking regulations that went into place after the financial collapse of 2008. Because fuck everything.

This was a much better story than yesterday, when he talked about having seen every episode of The Golden Girls.

Also, a guy in an Elmo costume got 3 votes.

I shoot all my movies in one continuous take and release them immediately. And I have won every Academy Award in history by doing so.

Good. Liking things is nice.

Yeah, but it's being talked about now like it should have been on the proper album. I guess because she hasn't released anything actually new since then.

Well based on our totally polar opposite opinions on this, I feel like you're probably never really going to like emotion that much. Call Me Maybe and Cut to the Feeling are two of my least favorite songs of hers.

Emotion is one of my favorite albums of the last few years, but something about Cut to the Feeling just doesn't work fir me. It's a perfectly fine song, but a lot more generic pop sounding than the incredibly well produced stuff on the album.

I feel like there's a very good chance she learned her lesson on choosing the people she lets take animals more carefully.

Phillip Allen Lacova and Jill Wine Banks, who both were involved in the prosecution of Watergate, said today that the information released in Comey's prepared statement alone is enough to bring about an obstruction of justice case.

They definitely should be. But I guess they aren't. Maybe people in Central City aren't the litigious type. Or maybe Wells-Thawne arrange really great insurance.

Hopefully. The fact that he deemed having seen every episode of a tv show interesting enough to be among his top three doesn't give me a ton of hope for the future, though.

Damn. I hope original owner doesn't give the kitten to anyone similar to unreliable acquaintance again.

The courtroom scene was fun, but also insane. The entire case rests on whether a CSI tech can give testimony in open court? He's written a full report on the incident. That can be entered into evidence.

On days like today especially, the two political threads should really be combined. It's clear both you and @Velocirapstar:disqus will be talking about the exact same thing.

The nonprofit group Great America Alliance (which is allied with Trump, obviously) put out a 30 second ad attacking Comey today. Because that is the kind of thing that our President approves of.

The White House victim blamed Iran for having terrorists attack them. That was the whole of the official response. Full stop.

This afternoon I checked out what was on Fox News while the other cable news channels were in heavy Comey coverage. FNC was discussing that Russia did not hack or insert fake news into the Qatar situation to cause it to erupt. From what I could gather, their source on this was that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey