Doctor Professor

I'm not looking forward to future stories from Bala if he is champion for a few games, as he deemed having seen every episode of The Golden Girls worthy of being in his top 3 story choices on day one.

Anthem Insurance announced today that they would be pulling out of the ACA marketplace in Ohio due to volatility and uncertainty surrounding federal cost sharing payments. So because of Trump. This will leave 18 counties in Ohio with no available exchange plan for next year. 25 counties in western Missouri are facing

The Esquire interview he gave mentioning wanting Milo back on took place before the n-wording this past Friday.

Today in Kansas, the state legislature has ended Governor Brownback's disastrous Republican wet dream tax plan after it has decimated their state for years. The new tax plan was passed by the state legislature Monday night, then Tuesday morning, Brownback vetoed it. Tonight, they voted to override his veto.

I hope so.

It was back in the original run when it was hosted by Beadle and Cowherd and was actually a fun show. The man displayed absolutely zero charisma.

They probably just gave each other Hellboy swag.

Wow. They're really coming out of the gate with a big time program that people are going to be crazy excited to watch.

I follow a handful of political people on twitter. My feed is going to be absolutely insane on Thursday. I was out at the time of the Comey firing and didn't check twitter until about 5 hours later. I had upwards of 250 new tweets and retweets in my timeline that night.

Humanity is the real mist.

You know why hotels in those areas are so shitty? Because those places are very economically downtrodden and that's what they can afford.

No he isn't. He was on an episode of Sportsnation at the height of his fame, and it was painfully dull. He is insanely boring.

I'm very unsure as to whether a second season will ever actually exist.

I'd be good if leakers just kept sending their information to reliable journalistic organizations and not to Michael Moore.

I do not want to buy any Anker products.

Whoa. Traci Lords is still alive? Good for her.

That was really quite well done.

It's cute how they keep acting like this whole idea is going to work.

Rex Tillerson is visting New Zealand. His motorcade was met by crowds of people giving the thumbs down and flipping him the middle finger because we quite the Paris Accord. NY Times correspondent Gardiner Harris said about it, "I've been in motorcades for a couple of years now, I've never seen so many people flip the

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in watching this. I can't imagine people who do.