Doctor Professor

Franklin & Bash will never get the respect of being mentioned alongside his name, huh? It was really pretty entertaining, at least until Kumail left. He was clearly doing punch up on the jokes. And I watched every episode, but still can't remember which one was Franklin and which one was Bash.

Not even a little bit.

If they want these to be accepted in America, they'll have to add a randomly shoots black people setting.

Yeah, but what about a version where they take the lyrics from the tv show and put them over the music from the movie? I've looked for this before, and been incredibly shocked to have not found it.

I was going to ask if he was the musician or the singer, but then I listened to the song, and it's clear that he's not the singer. His singing is perfectly fine, but also boring.

Aw hell. I apparently stopped reading at the second line. Way to go, me.

Well then. I was planning on watching this at some point over the summer. Might not do that now.

I thought Emotion was a really good pop album. One of the better I've heard in a while.

Trump is still President. Done.

While listening to this I realized there are probably people alice now who just know Dave Grohl as the guy from the Foo Fighters and don't even think about Nirvana at all when they hear his name.

While Trump repeatedly calls climate change a hoax, he is also worried that it would damage a golf course he owns in Ireland. On the petition filed to build a seawall to protect from erosion, it is specifically stated that the wall would need to be build to combat "global warming and its effects."

There will absolutely be more Jim and Kimmy scenes. Her father's promotion is the entire reason the Jennings' are staying. Because they can't just hand that off to someone else.

The Justin Timberlake I more immediately associate with Timbaland is Justified, and then Futuresex/Lovesounds. He may have worked on 20/20 as well, but no one really cared about that one a week after it came out.

I never once heard anyone refer to a PM as a peem. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but it may have been less widespread than you thought.

It's pretty clear what it means. He's a pathetic old man who can't even operate his Twitter account properly, and definitely does not have the mental capacity to be the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world.

My first thought after reading this was definitely that I wish I was back in Ohio right now so I could go to Melt. It is fantastic.

In the image, is one of those tubs supposed to be full of coffee? It sure doesn't look like it.

Seasons one and two were fantastic. I quit this season after episode five. The characters were largely bland and boring to me.

The Associated Press reports that Trump has been giving world leaders his private cell phone number and asking them to call him on it, rather than through proper government channels. This is not even close to proper security protocol.

That tweet is somehow still up. It has been two and a half hours.