Doctor Professor

Based on my scoring, I only got a miserable 25 out of 50 correct. This was my third attempt, and my worst score. Guess I'll have to wait until next year.

How much longer until Justin dies? He's dating Liv and his name isn't Major. He will die.

My opinion of her as a human being has definitely gone way up. Good on her.

Sure. I'd like it better if we weren't slowing it down though.

Ok. I haven't disagreed with you. But slowing it down is really not a good thing to do.

The best way to not offend someone with your humor is to make it actually funny. This is dumb as hell.

I vaguely recalling something about someone shitting on someone else or something like that.

Yes. And he will. And that's bad.

Hold on a second. Someone thought it would be a good idea to have Joaquin Phoenix be the lead in a movie called "You Were Never Really Here," a few years after he was the star of the incredibly awful "I'm Still Here?" No one thought that the similarity of those two titles with the same lead actor might be a problem?

Sure, but the administration can provide financial incentives to use and develop green energy, like Obama did, or remove those incentives, like Trump is doing. And the same for restrictions and policies that curb use of dirty energy sources.

The other developed nations will be encouraging their private sectors to pursue renewable energy sources while we are hindering ours from doing so. Sure, we'll get there, but we'll be behind the curve.

That is a dumb thing, but also pretty interesting. I for one thank you for doing the work. That was neat to read.

At the top of the 9PM hour on Friday, CNN and MSNBC were covering the Kushner story. Fox News was talking about Ariana Grande announcing that she will return to Manchester for another concert.

According to Axios, Trump has told confidants that the U.S. will pull out of the Paris Climate Accords. This is quite possibly the most damaging thing he can or will do as President, unless he provokes World War 3. Antarctica is melting, Siberia is melting, Greenland is melting. The oceans are rising and warming.

I tried to watch Beat Shazam, because I was at work and we only get the local broadcast channels on the tv by my desk, (which is absolutely ridiculous, seeing as I work at a tv station, but my company is too cheap to get us in house cable), and we didn't even make it all the way through the first segment before

As far as I'm concerned, it definitely has. I never cared about it at all.

Yes, videos are media, but they are not an explicit warning from the media.

Did the media really have to warn him? Couldn't he have just watched any of the many videos available of Trump stupidly shaking hands with someone? He has an intelligence community and a foreign affairs people. I'm sure they knew on their own.

I accidentally watched the extended cut of BvS. It was an even longer pile of shit than the theatrical release.

Holy hell that guy is incredibly irritating.