Doctor Professor

Rand Paul is a moron with absolutely awful policy positions.

I would imagine he did. He probably took a massive stack of them with him on this trip. And he probably already gave her one when she visited the White House too.

And he did so while being wildly outspent in the race. There was $5.6 million in outside spending on Gianforte's side, compared to $656,423 on Quist's side.

Trump railed against our trade deal with Germany again today, even though he had it explained to him eleven times by Angela Merkel when she visited that the U.S. does not have a specific trade deal with Germany, but an overall trade deal with the E.U.

The European members of NATO don't have a shit ton of patience for us right, seeing as Russia is set to run a massive "exercise" in the Baltic States.

Of particular note is that one GOP national security official apologized for Trump simply by saying "I'm sorry. He's an idiot."

I have never heard this person's name. And now I have listened to that song with the video and I don't think I'll ever be listening to anything by him again.

On a lot of the big awful things, he falls right in line.

Kasich goes out there and seems reasonable, but if you look at his policies, you find that he is your standard shit head Republican. Probably even worse than average.

Arguments about who John Wick is? He's John Wick. What is there to argue about?

That's very possible. I'm hoping that he gets written off the show by dying when the house burns down. That way they have to live somewhere else.

I very much still enjoy the show, but as we get farther into the series, I find myself more and more hoping for some actual plot movement.

Definitely not. But if he's gone, I'd imagine the rest of the cast will have to stop living in his house, and at least one thing will finally change.

I will be working all weekend, but off on Memorial Day itself, but only because Monday/Tuesday are my regularly scheduled off days.

If you ever happen to run into Tila Tequila at a club, you should leave that club. You have made a very bad choice in going to such a disgusting place.

That sucks, because I really like TJ Miller, but maybe this will force them to finally advance the plot.

I'd imagine many, many someones didn't watch that awful mess.

90% of single males are architects.

The way they're used on iZombie is always just the right amount of self aware to make it ok.

I just watched the scene again. You're right, it hung on Rogelio first, then went in to Mateo, which makes sense I guess, as the two of them are the lead candidates for LLN.