Doctor Professor

During the entire climatic fight she sat perched on a broken building doing absolutely nothing. There were no highlights of that nonsense.

The Sheriff who was now cited Gianforte with misdemeanor assault has donated to Gianforte's campaign.

Absolutely none of the major cast members died in that explosion. And Merlyn didn't die from the mine or the explosion. And somehow Evelyn is probably alive too.

I've never really cared one way or another about theorizing who the latin lover narrator may be, or if it even is a character we know, but tonight's episode put me very firmly in the Mateo is the narrator camp. The camera was cutting around everyone in the room and rested on Mateo at the exact same time as he said

I generally despise puns, but even I appreciated the "Alive and well" line.

Not only are most of the comedians who complain about the culture on college campuses white and male, they also generally tend to be past their prime as comedians. It's almost like their jokes aren't working not because people are offended by them, but because the jokes are old and cliched. You can't just go around

A Fox News crew was there and shared their eyewitness account of the events. It's even worse than Jacobs described,

Remember, the fact that Trump is an atrocity of a President doesn't retroactively make W. a good President.

Pellegrino won in a district that Trump won by 23 points, and DesMarais is the first Democrat ever to win Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.

He was definitely whining a lot tonight, but also, he got four extremely soft fouls called against him in the first half, and did get hit a good bit every time he drove to the basket and only shot four free throws all game.

The Carrier plant in Indiana that Trump "saved' will be sending 632 jobs to Mexico, including 300 right before Christmas.

Thea could come over from Star city and lead the team seeing as she has been just about entirely useless on Arrow this season.

I highly recommend that you don't. My former roommate's brother is a chemtrail conspiracy person. He is absolutely nuts, and very very stupid.

Every single bit of that sounds incredibly stupid.

It is confirmed by all the intelligence agencies that Russia interfered with our election.

Trump's budget proposal has gotten out. Among many other things, it includes a cut of $193 billion to the food stamp program, which is a reduction of over 25 percent, and includes additional work requirements to meet eligibility for food stamps.

I still very much enjoy this show, and the characters and actors and jokes are damn good, but they are really going to have to break out of this reset cycle they're in someday.

That's too bad I guess. She was generally pretty solid when she was in a sketch, but she wasn't really ever in a lot of sketches.

I didn't realize I had done that. People should print that sentence out and study it because it's so impressive in its length and grammatical correctness.

I believe we can say that is legally different enough of a catchphrase to avoid copyright lawsuits.