Doctor Professor

Oh man! We're already having classic sitcom misunderstandings!

The second Zaza Pachulia went Bruce Bowen on Kawhi, any hope of that being a decent series went right out the window.

He may not have really had to collude with Russia secretly, because he was being pretty damn open about what he wanted them to do on the campaign trail.

A lot of things happened over the last two days, and maybe I'll write about some of them tomorrow, but tonight I went out to the bar with some friends after work, so I'll just say that I really don't like Donald Trump and I would prefer it if he had not been elected President because he is very bad at the job.

Go On, huh? That was actually a pretty above-decent show.

The way you miswrote this comment, I think you'd fit right in.

The Path is a decently interesting show, and Michelle Monaghan is deliriously pretty.

I have two jokes, and I like them both equally. One is fun, and one is depressing.

The mention of Wings in this article reminded me that I absolutely loved Wings, and really want to do one of those podcasts where I watch a TV show with my friends and then discuss it about Wings, but neither I nor any of my friends are noteworthy comedians, so I don't think anyone would listen to it.

Really? That's great news.

I don't know what kind of world you live in, but a good bit of it seems to be disconnected from reality.

It's a real shame that Alex Jones is well known enough for Stephen Colbert to parody him on CBS. That should have never happened.

A bad name for a show that will air on a network with a bad name. Makes sense.

What? Her foreign policy is worse than a nationalist who has already made it so our allies no longer want to share intelligence with us, is going to be treated like a child on his first foreign trip, got into some ridiculous spat with the Australian PM, was awkward as hell with Merkel, had to be talked out of leaving

Hey, I played with that. It was kinda fun.

Maybe, but that is really one hell of a reach.

God dammit. Sure, Hillary was an absolutely awful candidate who doesn't connect with people on a personal level, and I in no way want her to be my friend, and her past is lightly checkered, but she would have been such a better President. Unquestionably.

Oh god no. Eddie Brock has an American accent. Tom Hardy can not do accent work and is going to ruin this movie with his abysmal attempt.

The r/technology sub has been completely overrun by the alt right. Any time there is any remotely political story in there the comments are disgusting.

They don't need it. The Donald sub still exists.