Doctor Professor

Download it illegally.

I didn't watch this week. I came very close to turning off the episode halfway through last week, but decided I should just finish it, but this week's episode has just been sitting on my DVR staring at me for a few days now, and I was thinking about watching it out of obligation, but zero desire to actually do so, so

I'm out. This season is just too dull. Not sure if it's the casting or the characters or the story or the pacing or a combination of all of those things, but it's a total miss. The only thing I'm interested in the resolution of is why machines refuse to acknowledge Carrie Coon's existence, and I imagine that will

Sometimes it's nice to mock him for ridiculous things. Makes you forget about all the really insane stuff for a moment.

Agreed. Hovering over the spoiler text is much easier than going to google, and makes me feel less dumb than having to figure out how to properly google it find the answer.

The former, very short term, Chief of Staff who resigned under bizarre and mysterious circumstances that has never served in elected office would not be a good candidate for VP.

I like to imagine that Kiefer Sutherland gives her Jack Bauer tips between scenes.

I believe his briefcase contained the computer he used to hack into the network at The Pentagon. They recovered it, and that's how they knew what he had accessed.

They also didn't just lock down the damn building and not allow anyone in or out.

Cop goes undercover in crew that is pulling off fairly low stakes heists. Cop falls for female member of crew and forms bond with rest of crew. Heists get more dangerous. Cop chases down leader of crew, catches him, but decides to let him go.

Damn. Erik took my answer.

The Washington Post has obtained Trump's Education Budget. It is bad. Very bad.

Trump is actively trying to turn Obamacare into the failing, dying mess that he claims it is. In fact, many insurers were saying that 2017 was looking to be a better year for the ACA than the first few, because the markets had begun to stabilize and people were growing more experienced with the system.

The Democrats in the Senate are not fans of him at all. He lobbied hard against expanding medicare during the ACA fight, he opposed other parts of Obama's agenda towards the end of his Senate career, he turned right and endorsed McCain/Palin at the 2008 RNC, the FBI director position should not go to a politician, and

Also, Happy Endings and Kimmy are/were both smart and funny. Great News is stupid and cliched.

It would be great if it made any sense. The missing people were not from that cop's jurisdiction. He wouldn't have known a thing about the missing people, and would have had no reason to suspect a thing.

He would have had no reason to be out to bust the family. The cops in the city didn't care at all about the missing people. Information on the strange disappearances definitely wouldn't have made it out to a cop way upstate.

Me too. But not this season.

The problem is that the blind love from his supporters is just as strong as the hate from everyone else. They cancel each other out.

I thought about making a comment like this, but I don't want to end up on a list.