Doctor Professor

I thought maybe Double Dragon was the best video game movie, because I hadn't seen it in a very long time, but I watched it the other day, and it is astonishingly terrible.

Well then. I guess I don't need to actually see the full movie because they just showed me just about everything.

Good. Humans is a really fantastic show and I don't understand why it hasn't picked up any buzz in America.

I have no damn clue. Apparently the Republican state legislators in NC had an issue with them.

I think they write other places too. I've been laid off twice since I graduate college. Unemployment is definitely a bitch. But, if I hadn't been, I wouldn't have had the motivation to move to where I am now and get the job I currently do, so in the long run, I guess it worked out.

All the people who used to write WOT when there was actually effort put into it were freelancers. They were let go and regular staff writers took over this column, and now it's barely a column.

And as I pointed out elsewhere, they even forget to list shows in the regular coverage section that they write recap posts on. The Flash has been omitted twice since they end of the freelancers.

You should start posting these in the Resistance Outpost thread. I sometimes forget to keep scrolling past there for more awful things Trump has done.

And of course there's the matter that the bill is absolutely asinine bullshit. There are other states that have trans protection bathroom laws. None of them have seen an increase whatsoever in bathroom sexual assaults, and no one can point to a single confirmed case of one occurring due to any trans bathroom laws.

The Senate Intelligence Committee wants to question Jared Kushner about meetings he had with, who else, Ambassador Kislyak, and also previously undisclosed meetings with the head of a Russian state owned bank that had been placed on Obama's sanctions list after Putin began messing with Crimea and Ukraine.

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again - the 2K clue is very often not the hardest in the category. It's a mental game to make the contestant think that there is no way the answer is that easy.

Yes, but it's unfortunate that the prequels were made, and that Hayden Christensen was in them.

That's twice now in the new "don't give a damn" format that you guys have forgotten that The Flash is a regular coverage show.

If you drop that video into the ether, maybe some people see it and it picks up steam, but if you drop it and then have a shitload of fake social media accounts pushing it, it definitely blows up.

The Neon Demon was one of the most boring movies I have ever seen, and desperately needed a competent editor. There was something interesting in there, but it was hidden underneath a ton of bullshit.

Well shit. I'll very likely watch this.

That's too bad. Katie Cassidy is a very poor actress. Of regulars in the Arrowverse, I'd say the only ones worse than her have been Vandal Savage and the Hawk People, and Legends is so much better now that they're gone.

Congratulations. I do no want to eat this, and I love sushi.

No, but I've been aware of that for a few years now.

I would think that they underreported because arresting huge amounts of people for nothing would instigate more protests, but I really have no clue.