Doctor Professor

The protests were anti-Medvedev, but also very much anti-Putin.

From reports I'm seeing, the vast majority of arrests were completely peaceful protestors.

Opposition leader Alexei Navalny (who was arrested in the protests) seems to be responsible. He published documents claiming that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has mansions, yachts, vineyards, and other things that very clearly he should not be able to afford on his supposed salary.

Go back to shitposting at The_Donald.

I hope this is the last time we ever interact.

I was never confused. You just felt the need to oddly point out something that isn't really true.

You were the one who felt the need to keep making references to left wing groups to try to make your points. I ignored the first few.

There were massive anti-Putin and anti-corruption protests across Russia today. In Moscow there were an estimated 7000-8000 people. This while just this past Thursday, an opposition leader (Denis Voronenkov) who had fled to Ukraine was murdered in the street.

It's fun how you drop in that Hillary, CNN, and CTR are the ones relying on these groups, while the vast majority of fake news this past election cycle was on the right.

Politico ran a story today on the utter incompetence of the White House, sourced from two dozen people close to the administration. The quote at the very end of the article really stands out.

Except the same organization created and pushed out the video on the President Elect's son. They are both a fake news and sock puppet operation. As many are.

New York Times headline a few days ago: "Republicans Land a Punch on Health Care, to Their Own Face."

While he was "holding meetings" at his golf club he was fully dressed for golfing. Including cleats.

Sure, Democrats can go ahead and support any progressive bill that Trump ever proposes. It will get absolutely no support from the Republicans, just like it wouldn't have under Obama.

Sure, but in the show, we saw that a false video was created, using edited footage to completely misrepresent what happened, then was pushed out across social media by this network. That is fake news. And a network of people pushing the story is how fake news becomes so widespread. Russia did exactly that during this

It is truly pathetic that next week is the season finale and this episode was still spent table setting.

I used to like the show, and now I just keep watching. It's a habit. I also smoked for over a decade.

I don't know what you're trying to say here. Are you trying to talk about Homeland, or real life?

I don't hold anything against it, because it needed to happen, but the scene with Dar Adal and O'Keefe openly walking through the room and having a conversation in full view of all the low level employees was crazy ridiculous.

It's also fake news. They create the bullshit stories, then push them out to social media using their sock puppets to get them viewed. That's how a lot of fake news gets out there.