
I actually think the game is about as different from Settlers of Catan as can be. It's the heaviest game in my collection, next to Mage Knight.

Shut up.

I have problems with suspension of disbelief with the way the show is set up. The unreality of it, which is definitely something the show-runners are going for, seems too contrived. I tried, as I liked Boy Meets World, but I found it wretched. To each their own.

Girl Meets World is one of the worst things I have ever seen.

A lot of neo-Marxists (David Harvey comes to mind) take Post-Modern Theory to task because it emphasizes a belief in individualized perspectives, isolation and distrust, the plurality of identities and the multiplicity of meanings as opposed to a collective understanding by class position. In other words, it

"The Originals" in season 2 is really, really fantastic. I'm not saying it's a groundbreaking drama, but it plays to its strengths (non-stop freight train of plot movement) and an emotional core that resonates(at least with me). I've stopped watching The Vampire Diaries but The Originals is something that I look

He wanted to do a film about genocide but Stephen Spielberg made Schindler's List, so he decided against making The Aryan Papers. Too bad.

The structure of your language show serious cultural capital! I still don't agree with much of it.

It's completely correct. Christ, the last season of The Originals was better than any season of True Blood. And that show is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries. Carrie Raisler, who writes (or wrote, in True Blood's case) reviews for both The Vampire Diaries and True Blood for the AV Club, could compare and contrast

YES. True Blood never had anything close to the writing and pacing of The Vampire Diaries from halfway through season 1 until the end of season 2. Those 15-20 episodes (with a miss here and there) was the highlight of vampire-related TV drama.

It was so, so boring. Holy shit was that boring. A show where dialogue is the weakest point and the finale was nothing but dialogue.

I thought season 2 was above average-that's it. Not good, not great-above average. And the last episode of season 2 with the monster egg and Sam-Cenataur was stupid. The rest of the seasons range from "bad but Russell Edgington!" to "This is the worst fucking writing on HBO and we dare you to try and cancel us" to

"Hi everyone, just the cliche breaking into your house and killing you for funzies after," says zero robbers in existence. THANKS OBAMA.

No amount of saying Benji is a good album actually makes it a good album. I read a critic describe it as a "great American masterpiece". Listen to Mark Kozelek make straightforward statements with his guitar!

How about "Nameless Black Man Gets Shot in Ditch For Mystery Map"?

I think the end game for this show is the end of every episode, maybe two episodes in the future. The various plot lines did the "pulling the strings" trick of setting up characters to be in certain situations for any future story development (if such a thing exists on this show past the next two episodes). "We want

It makes it worse that True Blood has an actual budget for special effects/actor contracts/writers, and each CW show gets 34 scratch off tickets to pay for set design.

I thought Lack's "robotic" acting was intentional-a being devoid of memory, human but with extraordinary powers. I felt he did an excellent job acting as a man without a historical context-that thematic thread of being a person with no past is continually running through the movie.

Because the bad Hep-V vampires were all busy filming their scenes as background actors in Sons of Anarchy.

Is anybody doing anything else besides this with True Blood?