
But will he wink as the third eye crow? With his third eye?

Yes, you will miss it. You'll miss the shit out of it.

So he's not a feminist because he lied to his wife about cheating on her?

I saw him at the end of Fantastic Beasts last night: without his head gear, he has a big head. Also, he looked ridiculous doing his Powder impression.

And also the one who was in Grindhouse with the gun-leg.

Agreed-I didn't mind his spin on the character, but the plot was so reprehensible it dragged the movie down to nothing. If you want to talk about bad acting, Jessica Alba…is truly terrible.

The new Wolf Parade song "Valley Boy" sounds pretty good.

I think Detroit may have been an exception. Detroit had pretty bad goalie play but Federov/Coffey were always enough to keep me competitive.

They could have made this scene half the movie and it would have probably improved it considerably.

Never trust anyone who upvotes themselves.

The Suburbs is their best album. Everything they made before it sounds uneven in comparison, everything after an echo chamber.

I like South Park…a lot. But I do so begrudgingly, because of the elements listed. Reddit and discussion threads on all kinds of boards are unending South Park punchlines-and they embody the "I don't give a shit at all" mentality constantly in their meme language. Which, fine-who does give much of a shit when they're

Daft Punk-"Digital Love".

I'd argue that The Dark Knight Rises has more political overtones to it, and none of them are particuarly worthwhile. Praise be to the rich man in the fancy animal suit! Boo to people's rule.

TANGO IN THE NIGHT isn't very good. I like MIRAGE quite a bit though.

As a counterpoint, I find everything up to MIRAGE to be pretty classic. They have the greatest blend of harmonic voices I've ever heard. Personal opinion, of course.

You truly are immune to their charms! The modern compulsion to turn pop music into an academic endeavor doesn't do much for me, so if you like the sound you do, if you don't you don't. There isn't really a point in trying to sell HAIM on someone. In fact, I've largely given up on trying to convince anyone about

I don't listen to Lorde or HAIM because of their lyrics-I'm dubious about looking for anything besides a good summer beat on pseudo-pop albums. Some particular line or lines may stick but that's the extent of it.

Somewhere between Waukesha county and Hell (fooled you: it's the same place).

I've never heard of this Iced Cream you speak of…maybe you are referring to CUSTARD.