Gussie Fink-Nottle

Yeah my parents pretty much didn't go in for snacks and junk food. I definitely enjoyed them on learning of their existence but now in adulthood they're not really ingrained in my brain as something I'd go for.
I can't think of the last time I bought a pack of crisps nor went to McDonalds/Burger King/etc..

The thing is most "picky eaters" shun things that are good for them. You can see why parents might prefer their kids to grow up eating a healthy diet that hopefully leads to a longer life, looking better and less issues surrounding poor diet.

Commentary on reddit "alphas"

Also what happened to his father at the hands of Doc Hawyward..

It's like a scene or so isn't it?

Shoulda stuck with Hudson Mohawke - was really cool to see him pop up and then really disappointing to see him shunted off in favour of another band who'd already had their moment..

I had the biggest smile when she appeared on screen, not because the character was a particular favourite, it's just that the returning characters have been parceled out in such small doses it's still a great joy to see someone back again for the first time..

Same, it's pretty disappointing this is getting such mediocre reviews. I really like most of the cast and am always up for an easy but funny hang out kind of sitcom.
Plus I still spend time with lots of my friends from university (as many of us stayed in the city it's based in - cos it's an amazing city) and am aging.

Fair point, they probably just have to categorise each article as something.

Great Job AV Club! An article about a ten year old DVD extra! An extra that was on the definitive (and until the BluRay, only) box set for an incredibly popular TV show! What news!

Gloria is invisible to technology - it's a running joke. Of course in the real world it'd be impossible for that to happen but I think that scene is intended as an extension of sensors not detecting her and so on.

I think it can be both. Obviously the real world reason for his teeth is his Bulimia. However in terms of Fargo being a work of fiction that may deal with metaphor, allusion and so on the state of his teeth reflecting the words that come out of his mouth is a valid observation…

Nope, then you tell everyone your child died of something which doesn't contradict political beliefs / bring "shame" on the family…

The pay off here (if tech ignores her of course she's not going to be online) made it worth it. When I realised what they were doing in that scene it made me laugh out loud just at the idea…

Ate Eugene Cordero's leg?

Veronica Mars season 1 is much better than iZombie season 1 in terms of long term plotting, linking of the mysteries to the central idea and overall world building (and I like season 1 of iZombie - but early on it was much more vanilla than VM).

Also the sudden and casual nature of it. The meeting starts, both characters are continuing this (somewhat comedic) back and forth we've been following then suddenly Vargo's men are here and we're given the impression Nikki is being beaten to death.. The brutality, shift in expectations and casual attitude towards

I guess if something like iZombie holds it's ratings (seems like whilst many don't watch those who do really like the show) into June that's good for them. More original programming for longer (which I assume commands more money for advertising slots than re-runs)

Seattle's population is apparently around 700k. A third of people leaving sounds plausible..

I'm really interested in how much the wrestling part of the show will dictate the story. A Vince Russo esque arc to the show (booker initially bringing something new to the table, getting popular and then disappearing into a mess your own ideas exaggerated and regurgitated) would certainly work (feels like the