Gussie Fink-Nottle

He saw him when they were driving away from the car shoot out. Enough to know that it was something that looked like a large cowboy pursuing them. The rest you could assume is down to TV (and if it is a dream sequence it's being done as a fake out so you don't want to draw attention to it)

Supposedly Dogma was written before Clerks and thus predates this.
However, it's not hard to say "oh I totally wrote this years ago" without proof. Plus no idea if the OG screenplay matched the one that became the film itself…

I think Evil Cooper is basically looking for his creator / mother.
Whether to create more evil, or something else remains to be seen

I assume they flock from miles away for the straight a prostitutes and school child killing drugs..

I interpreted more philosophical than science fictioney. Although probably a little of both

Yes, Yes and Yes

The American Girl talks about her mother, the thing which is banging on the door of that room. If that is the same thing that killed the people in NYC (seems like it might have been following Cooper from place to place) it's also the same mother that spewed out BOB this episode (based on the credits)

You dig in places till your fingers bleed
Spread the infection, where you spill your seed
I can't remember what she came here for
I can't remember much of anything anymore
She's gone, she's gone, she's gone away
She's gone, she's gone, she's gone away
A little mouth opened up inside
Yeah, I was watching on the day

It also looks like the weird black blob on the Ace of Spades card that showed what Evil Cooper was after.

As others pointed out. Laura showing up and immediately violating a young girl just seems… nope

It looks like the thing in Ep1. Which appeared to be following Cooper as he passed through the box. Once in the purple area Ronette Polaski refers to the thing pounding on the door as "her mother".
Also, the vomit birthing thing looks a lot like the blob on EvilCoop's playing card. The thing that he's looking for…

I don't think Lynch cares that much about making tech look realistic. And to be honest it's pretty much just as realistic as some hacker type pulling out their phone, having a billion numbers go past and saying "there's three tracking devices on this truck" (they look confused and engaged for a moment) "disabled".

Could she not be a teenager who may have been destined for greater things but due to BOB's interference led a tragically short life that she faced strongly?

Yeah, I watched this episode with a bunch of people and there was a definitely split on those who saw the nuke as science "opening a gateway" and those who saw it more as one of the most "evil that men do" things - potentially unlocking these spirits that feed on pain and suffering and the causing of it..

Oh shit, hadn't clocked she looked like the NYC box lady.
Which works rather well with Ronette Polaski/Whoever that was saying their "mother" was banging on the door in the sequence at the start of episode 3 (if you assume the thing that did the NYC murders was following Cooper as he travelled through)

"Spread the infection"
"I can't remember what she came here for"
"A little mouth opened up inside"
"Yeah, I was watching on the day she died"
"the skin turns black"

Everything involving the giant and that other lady and the machinery was very Eraserhead, the viewing room also looked a heck of a lot like Club Silencio from Mulholland Drive. The whole thing is seeped in Lynch's career

Plus Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks - so I assume it was some British Wrestling event from back in the day. Slightly weird choice but a cool reference..

Whenever we've had a minority government (in Britain) it's lasted a maximum of 7 months.

Reviews here were mixed from good to great. Quickly scanning the last episode one some quotes are "kind of a mess", "rarely as tedious as it could’ve been", "often hilarious, occasionally astonishing, and sometimes surprisingly sweet".