Justin F.

So If I hated Togetherness this would be even worse?

Please not Nat Wolff.

I am still finishing up S1 because I didn't find it very gripping, but these scores are making me debate just stopping now.

Oh, wow, I didn't even know that! Thanks for the response lol. I'm happy now~

I don't know what TV Land wants, but I am worried about the future of this show since the ratings thus far have been really really low.

When Chang pointed out how he hadn't been utilized well since he was a teacher, it wasn't funny. It's like yeah the writing is just that bad that they keep using him for no reason at all.

Cisgender models….so, you mean almost any model?

Ugh everyone is a zombie.

The scene before the affair was probably my favorite of the entire series.

What is wrong with that woman? You didn't reserve the field, don't be an asshole and force people that DID go through the trouble of reserving to to share it with you.

ahahah shit

The mysteries really aren't doing it for me. I know that isn't like…the point of the show, but they aren't gripping.

Abed actually killed the birds…the mothers don't actual abandon a nest if a human messes with it.

yes! it is so obvious

wow wtf they copied the last lines from Parks and Rec/ LOOKING for originality, much?

Looking will actually end up with more material though (18 episodes plus a special) vs Getting On (18 episodes).

I wasn't really arguing that they were…I was just saying that having a minority play a co-worker or a secretary or sit on the bus behind the main character isn't enough to call it "representation" in the show.

The point I was making was that being a mostly in the background co-worker isn't really representation.

Yeah but he doesn't do anything but occupy a work desk.

But aren't most of the characters on Looking also selfish and terrible?