Justin F.

I don't really find any of the gaming aspects of the show realistic.

I guess it is just because it is popular online, but what is the point of this article? Like…why are you spreading viral videos.

Getting On was renewed for a third (and final) season already though?

Please don't put this on the same level as Enlightened.

I am kind of shocked. The ratings are terrible.

yes thank you

Where the fuck was Lyla? - me starting in episode 7

…Where is Emma?

That is weird. Pretty Little Liars this week had the same episode title.

I wish I saw the appeal to this show as much as you. I thought it was really boring. The only character I cared about was Brit Marling's but that is probably just because of Brit Marling.

I don't know how to feel about this. The pilot pleasantly surprised me, and the show wasn't that bad for a while. But as of the halfway point it has really gone downhill (to me).

lol this article only came three weeks late.

Yes…Dr. Reed and Morgan helped Danny because he spilled the wine. Peter was never involved.

I watched this for Brit Marling.

I'm so done with all this nostalgia based whatever the hell it is reboot stuff. Powerpuff Girls is coming back, Teen Titans got some new cartoon, Girl Meets World, now this. Just stop.

So like when people are saying things in these comments like "you would be mad if she was saying hispanic or black", that argument doesn't make sense because those minorities do not have control over social/economic/political systems? I'm trying to understand but I can't put it into my own words.

But why does it make it okay for her to tweet those things? (Actual question not baiting sarcasm).

AV Club writers are celebrities?

I wonder if in book 4 Korra will come to the decision that there doesn't need to be an avatar anymore? Every season has kind of been saying that the world doesn't need an avatar anymore, and you could argue the world is getting more in balance. Vaatu was freed from that tree, so light/dark is more in natural balance,

She is in like 5 movies this year…so hopefully a few of them will be well received. Clouds of Sils Maria is supposed to be good. Laggies looks kind of meh…I don't know how much she is actually in the Equalizer. And I haven't heard much about Dark Places yet.