Justin F.

It wasn't terrible…but I just couldn't get past some of the dialogue, the "metaphor" with the cigarette, and the (spoiler) kissing in the Anne Frank house. It was all so ridiculous it took me out of the movie. The actors were great though. LAURA DERN.

months later~

I don't know why the combustion lady didn't just aim for the bison in the first place. All she had to do was spook them into flying away. The whole scene with the air benders attempting to run and escape was kind of unnecessary.

I have literally been wondering since S1 of the original show if you could do that with air bending.

Excited for your take on episode 8…

This episode had me in awe. I watched it on demand last Friday but it is still with me. I agree. This and The Inconveniencing are my fav eps.

Honestly can't wait for your Into the Bunker review. That episode was so good. It's on demand right now too.

The south park stuff didn't really make sense to me. GOT doesn't have that many dicks.

I thought this movie was really fun.

This movie was so bad.

Just bought the DVDs for this a few months ago. Probably time to rewatch.

It is all on Netflix too.


Was I the only one that thought that the dead girl in the grave might have been Ali or Courtney?

I thought that the past few episodes were actually kind of annoying. I /knew/ A wouldn't actually disappear, so I just kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The transformation scene was ugly. If they had to go with CG, they could have at least made it look as good as recent precure series.

I also never understood why she cared so much about being a pimp. She has (had?) a very lucrative career telling old women what clothes to buy and how to live their lives. I don't understand why she is so hung up on Ray and Tanya. Did she have a life before them? ugh

I can't stand Farkle.

The screaming can be a little much, but I thought it worked in that scene because the star stuffed animal thing that sang actually DID sound like a screaming old-timey ghost.

I lost it when a few episodes back Emma was voicing her concerns about what could happen to Maggie's vagina after birth and started reciting lines from Beauty and the Beast.