Justin F.

Her computer was hacked like two years ago or something and over 200 song files were released to the internet.

Who wrote the profanity on the wall? I never understood that.

I thought that the circus of A's wasn't a group of people all joining in on the cyber-bullying, but people tricked into participating in some sort of messed up flash mob.

Why were the clones created…?

The newspaper that came up after the spiderman sketch has a summary of the 2004 Spiderman film. It even mentions Mary Jane and Doctor Octopus.

I don't see what is wrong with June other than her not being Tessa. It makes sense for her to tell Tessa to back off after seeing her flirt with Ryan. Ryan was/(still is?) going to June's family's for the holidays, so it seemed stupid to possibly throw that away to kiss Tessa again.

Hasn't been accomplished since what?

I have to disagree. This season has been just as messy as the first, it not more so. I really miss Mindy's female friends from S1 that were written out of the show (Anna Camp :(…)