Justin F.

I rewatched the first few episodes of season one this past weekend. and they were so much /fun/. These recent episodes are great in their own way, but I can't see the show doing an episode like the amusement park in that homeless guy's body again.

Apparantly she was hacked.

Jumped 5 years to make them post-college.

Not to mention she has led like two? or so other TV shows that all got axed after like one season.

It was 1894.

I thought it was kind of ridiculous how Yoga Jones actually thought King had some secret bunker of snacks, especially after they caught her running around outside scared out of her mind and clearly trying to escape the prison. (Also they rounded up all the guards…so who would even be waiting on King hand and foot at

The hypnotism and stripping aspect of this show always made it kind of sexual to me.

Wait, you didn't even watch it? I can't tell if this is sarcasm.

That was actually Hitchcock's line, not Scully's!

I read her autobiography, but I got the impression endometriosis was a condition? Like her uterus being to the side? Not a disease that could be "found"?

The show really doesn't seem like a satire of news to me. It is just the setting where all the characters get into antics.

The dad can be pretty funny in an over the top dad way, but none of his relatives can act…

Sorry, what scene?

I still haven't seen S4 or 5, but is there any reason for people to even look for the body? She was already presumed dead by suicide, and nobody but Norman and Dylan even knew she was still alive. Dylan probably thinks she is still safe somewhere on the run, right?

I don't know much about video games, but criticism seems to have some effect on the television landscape (like Lena Dunham trying (and arguably failing) to address the diversity complaints in Girls), and vocal social media fans of lesbian relationships could be one of the reasons in Orphan Black that [spoilers]

He said "a little shade amputation"

So like, talking about it for the sake of talking about it?

While I think it is interesting to read criticisms of LGBT representation in media like this, it feels like talking to an empty room (I am completely spacing on what phrase actually exists to describe what I am trying to say). Japan game companies (or anime companies or manga companies/authors) are not going to read

Isn't his name Dill?

It is interesting because she seems to have really steady work, but all her shows get axed and all her movies flop.