Edgar Allan Bro

I got so wrapped up in the Navidson story that I skipped over a lot of the Johnny Truant stuff. On a reread, it seems I missed a whole ton of important passages that really changed my entire viewpoint on that part of the story.

Finished American Gods (finally) (interesting premise, average execution, pointless weird sex stuff, disappointing overall), Our America - Life and Death on the South Side of Chicago (depressing as hell) and Heart Shaped Box (Joe Hill continues to elicit a strong 'meh' to a light 'eh' from me).

I don't like the new mix. It sounds smoother, which I guess is shorthand for 'way less harsh and abrasive'.

This mysterious figure is Bruce.

For me, the book was the most egregious example of execution falling short of promise since… I dunno. Snow Crash?

Bill Hader, you are this generation's Phil Hartman…. hopefully.

I hope they get Natasha back for this one. She absolutely crushed the last two.

This is my favourite line of the season.

Hopefully before my 15th birthday. They are sooooo sick!

One of my early contenders for AOTY (probably just pipped by the Cult of Luna/Julie Christmas).

I always confuse them with American Football.

I bet these young fellows have some strong opinions about The System.


I've tried to get into this. I really have. At least half a dozen times. And I just can't.

Hijos de la anarquía

Reign > Seasons > South > Hell > Divine > the one with 'Point' on it > those other ones I never listen to

Wait until Big Coffee Shop gets wind of this.

yeah, that's a weird thing to say. Hatebreed is straightahead brocore and not even related to Converge/Dillinger/Botch/etc

I'm the opposite - I'll play all the albums from time to time (especially Petitioning and When Forever..), but Jane Doe is always on my ipod/phone/car stereo/etc.

That remix of Mowgli Fear Satan over the credits is pretty epic.