Edgar Allan Bro

Turns out that one of them niggas did, in fact, have sickle cell or something.

All cops want me, so does the FBI…. because my rhymes are fly.

It's worth throwing out here that the new Body Count album is seriously good crossover thrash… and they cover Raining Blood.

Conclusion: Motherfuck that voodoo.

The universe is a flat cocksucka

On the other hand, Jennifer Lawrence loves her and she is a goddamn ray of human sunshine.

the shame of american music = guy who has sold almost 200 million records, toured sold out shows consistently for over 40 years and has won 20 grammy awards, two Emmys, an Oscar and the Presidential medal of Freedom.

Used to be. Then he sold out his environmental credentials, got dumped from cabinet, resigned from politics and is back to touring local pubs.

that last Old Gray album was one of my favourites of last year. 'Everything is in your Hands' just absolutely shreds.

Fuck The Police by NWA

'Stage Four', despite not being my favourite TA record, was so far ahead of the largely disappointing 'Goodness' that this list is kinda suspect (even if you ignore that 75% of it is mu-approved indiecore hipster nonsense).

(SOA + Henry Rollins) > (SOA)

And, much like The Great Election of 2016, the world was torn in two.

This is seriously good.

Controversial but Objectively Correct Opinion: Weird Al is fucking terrible and the internet has some weird thing going whereby we all pretend otherwise.

The part where Harry lost his job at the textile mill and struggled to support his family just really didn't fit the tone of the films.

This is the most Aziz Ansari thing ever.

Mineral > SDRE.

You shouldn't.

There are some terrible tracks on there, but Another Body Murdered is still fucking awesome today.