Edgar Allan Bro

I'm Mr. Plow, and I'm here to say,
I'm the plowin'est guy in the USA.
I got a big plow and I'll move a lot of things,
Like your cow if you have one.

Thursday and Touche Amore: for when you want feelings sung at you for six minutes, then yelled at you for 45 seconds.

Nice try, AV Club. It;s 2016 - as if anyone is giving Nicole Kidman a job.

That's mainly down to the opening scene being so god damn amazing.

'Well, class, to find the lowest common denominator just divide through by nasteriskgger'

Anything to do with Marvel, Elon Musk or how the feminised businesses and courts and universities are keeping you down and opressed and like women are all bitches because they go for jerks and not nice guys like me.

yeah, a bunch of whiny 24yo dudes briefly left their Agent Carter subreddit to whine about how it's super unrealistic and/or sexist that girls are in their magic ghost movie.

I can just imagine Converge closing with Jane Doe and melting everyone's faces off… and then a bunch of douchebags in cargo shorts and spiked hair bouncing around going 'oooh wah ah ah ah! get up, come on get down wit da sickness!'.

You just said everything I was thinking, but in a non-retarded way. Thankyou.

That was Soup's father, that was proud of his son and proud of the fellas he is rapping with.

The Millionaire Next Door is fucking terrible.

Kill yourself, depressed female!

You mean that time we atom-bombed Tokyo to get that Kony guy who did 911 on Boston?

I feel like he was over-rastified by like 7%

Yeah, that's a thing that should happen.

Badge Classic!


If I were actually a 'millennial', I daresay the tumblrific promos would have done a lot more for me.

Son. Well. Done.

I think you just hit on why I find io9 so fucking insufferable. I've never been able to put my finger on it.