Edgar Allan Bro

Death Star II: Diplomatic Immunity

What is it like being so wrong about so many things?

Turtle staring into a sunset for an hour, then dinosaurs.

People hammer Michael Bay for it, but Terence Malick gets away with an average 12 lens flares per frame.

Which makes Adam Sandler literally Hitler.

This is a terrible idea!

This was a one off, almost upbeat song and was released as a radio friendly single. It's most notable for having no swearing.

The letters for today are C, O and CKSUCKA

Ryan Phillipe was fantastic in Way of the Gun, and this is about… guns.

But he was totally edgy and in my face.

I always assumed that he finally found his lost dogs and so he quit rapping.

I'm gonna come clean: I fucking love the first Joe Dirt movie.

I think the line about handicapped people making 'handicapped faces' made up for the rest of the song.


The only thing Paul Blart deserves is AIDS.

So, in other words, not solely based on 'its feminist narrative'. On account of how you listed four things, three of which were not that.

I haven't seen a single person say 'this movie is automatically good because teh wimmenz'.

No. That's just the internet being dicks as usual.

I was waiting for John McClane to show up.

Shit explodes. It's not that complicated.