Edgar Allan Bro

The album overall drags on a bit, but Blood in the Streets is classic Ghost - the fast uptempo beat, the crazy storytelling, random slang, guest rappers that almost outshine him.

Pretty sure you can only achieve it with the right combination of Jiko Kanri and Dimoxinil

Or, more accurately, that guy from The Chicago Code and/or the background of a bunch of movies.

Why, she looks like Linda Hamilton… only more dynamic and resourceful.

Instead of raising a card, all bidders will be forced to shout 'bro' in a vague accent.

Fozzy has such a tight flow. He totally killed that verse.

Kids make the darnedest accusations.

& Hooch was easily better than this trash.

Humans still lack the necessary mathematics to adequately quantify something 'too shitty for Nicholas Sparks'.

Needs more slow montages over dreary cover songs.

Repels witches, zombies and all known forms of woman.

But what if we need a 24 with worse acting, flimsier characters and no Jack Bauer?!

Claire Danes Cry Face is a badass band name.

'but Schwarzenegger is a real human man, and thus, has aged.'

This is just like the time I made a show called Dracula, based on the romantic foibles and misadventures of the young gentry in 18th century Kent.

African American Actors are a subset of The Wire Actors.

This movie is most notable for the fact that the sandwich 'created' by Sandler was actually crafted by… Thomas Keller.

Hate to be the one to say ahtodaso, but you know what? Ahtodaso.

Whenever Omar isn't on screen, the other characters should ask 'Wheres Omar?'

Shit, you have nothing on Australia.