Edgar Allan Bro

They got progressively worse until they abanonded the whole premise (me car vroom vroom!) and just started making badass action movies featuring Vin Diesel and The Rock.

House nigga gotta run and hide,
yellin Compton, but you moved to Riverside.

Speaking of black men who used to terrify white folk back in the early 90s then decided that sweet, sweet hollywood money was far more gangsta…

I don't get why someone as high profile as GRRM is taking time out of his main job to write a novelization of a popular tv show.

I'd keep her pipes warm, if you know what I mean.

I will hear no ill words about the Secretary of Offense.

People pre-paying to see the movie is hardly 'charity'.

Yeah, but then they remake it for a western audience and everyone just sits in cars wearing sweaters while looking at the dreary Seattle skyline through raindrops.

After the 50% gorgeous, 50% dull of the Paradise EP, I was expecting a lot more.

I can't wait to watch the first half of this and then forget about it all over again when the season finale is massively underwhelming and not even Electric Veronica Mars can make me care anylore.

Finally, my daughter Buffy The Vampire Slayer Williams-Bro won't have the worst name in school.

Rickyisms are the best.

I didn't read it as Lester trying to confront Malvo to see if he was there to kill him. I saw it more as 'new Lester' thinking he is now in the same category as Malvo, and wanting to show how far he has come. A bit of posturing and braggadacio now that he thinks he is the alpha wolf.

Finale needs Bilbo Baggins going into a wood chipper.

I'd narrow it down even further - Variations on a Fucking Cocktail Dress.

Knife in the Marathon is really underrated. It really stood out in the sea of Poison The Well sounding bands floating around at that time.

That's the best joke in the entire first season of Boondock Saints.

*colors in sunglasses*

I look forward to watching this film featuring people yelling Compton who have actually moved to Riverside.

The Jeselnik Offensive was cancelled…. because I raped my Black Jewish Holocaust Survivor fat girlfriend at Auschwitz on 9/11.
[repeat slight variations for 55 minutes]