
There's enough that happened in public with Patrice Desilets that you can see how fucking shady Ubi are over Assassins Creed, I would fucking LOVE to here what he has to say if he wasn't under (I'm assuming) a tonne of NDA's.

god I was a DOS kid growing up and got into megaman in a huge way later in my life, but I had no idea this shit existed. It's… incredible

I don't get Spoitify? Am I missing something cause I'm not paying? It seems like a garbage service.

Seth Sentry (An aussie rapper) does this, his youtube channel has his own versions of the lyric videos for all his songs that are made with better production values then just white text over black background.

Uh I'm not sure how spoiler tags work on discuss so anyone reading BIG SPOILERS

I was kinda worried that the show was gonna rely too much on 'it's the 80's!' cause that does absolutely nothing to me (Grew up in the 90's) but I'm really glad the show just works fantastically on it's own merits on top of all the 80's love.

God Kubo was so fucking good.

Titanfall 2 beta
Exactly what I wanted, it's Titanfall but more
Not really much more to say

how young is your brother, this movie gets fuckin rough.

Yeah the talking animals defense doesn't really hold up if you've seen the movie.

I just got back from this, I'd say it's easily one of Laika's best films, and one of my top films of the year.

When has he ever been a leading man?

Haven't seen Trainwreck, but Cena fucking steals the show as the drug dealer in Sisters.

You haven't watched many recent Van Damme movies have you?
He's been in 20 films since JCVD, lots of like straight to DVD action movies with names like 6 bullets or pound of flesh or Enemies closer.

That's the only reason I went to see it thinking 'maybe the trailers are hiding the cool shit'

The worst thing is I mangled it so fucking horribly that you're phrasing would have been way better,

god as a hetrosexual dude… Chris Hemsworth just is super hot isn't he.

*12 minutes of laugh track*

My wife identifies as ACE and is pretty into sex when it gets going. It's just not something that ever really like registers to her as a thing to do though if that makes sense. Like if I initiate things she gets into it but if I don't she just never even really thinks about it.

Studies (that I don't want to google at the moment cause I'm at work but their not hard to find) have consistently shown that members of the BDSM community consistently are better adjusted about consent and healthy romantic relationships because a key KEY part of the community is communication between partners about