
literally just went to check my replies and got that god damm darn it snowman.

Is Disqus really all that bad
Yes. Yes it is

I would just like to appreciate that Kinja is so fvcking bad at what they do that it has us all screaming we want disquss? Like… Disquss is a dumpster fire of a cluster fvck of a commenting system but… wow.

You can take my erotic heathcliffe fiction from my cold dead hands.

If ewan mcgreggor and Sam mother fucking Jackson came out of those movies looking like awful actors, I hardly see how it's Jake Lloyds fault that he sucked in those movies.

honsetly I'd love to see Carano just take up the same kind of carreer path as late era Liam Neeson, just putting out shitloads of trashy action movies like this every year or two. I would buy every single one of them.

It would be more suspicious if it wasn't directly contradicted in the text of the article
"She has since left Paris, but did reportedly speak with authorities."

Yeah but someone made a doom mod that replaced every sprite in the game with tim allens face and every sound effect with his grunts and lets be honest, that's the best kind of legacy you could leave.

I think that's really over selling the importance of how the effect was done. The fact that it was effective has nothing to do with it being stop motion or CG or whatever, it's got to do with the fact that James Cameron is a great director and knows how to construct shots to build tension etc. It could have been a

Cameron doesn't want to make movies anymore. He just wants to explore the ocean, that was the entire reason he made Titanic was an excuse to take an imax camera to the wreck of the titanic. And I don't think for a second that the fact his original concept of Avatar sequels was focusing on ocean life wasn't an excuse

Linda Hamilton was my first huge screen crush, though honestly more fro T2 wich I saw on almost constant repeat rather then T1. I didn't get around to watching T1 propperly till much later and seeing it with the expectations of T2 is something else. You go in expecting an action chase movie and get basically a

Man I don't want to shit on what they did in T1 cause it's honestly impressive for it's time and the budget restrictions they had, but yeah it doesn't hold up that well today. There's an obvious difference in frame rate of the stop motion puppet vs the live action footage and looking at it now it always stands out as

I honestly can't even compare T1 to T2, their too different from eachother to mark one as better then the other, T1 is this tense dark almost horror movie, T2 is an insane over the top action explosion fun time.

"With comment section" Is the bit that will be tripping you up, that bloomberg thing recently blew up cause they looked at their analitics and found that less then 1% of their users used comments. I imagine it would be similarly low numbers for most places.

Well think about what most people actually DO on a computer? Surfing facebook, watching youtube, etc Most people don't really use their computer for anything that you couldn't realistically do just fine on a tablet.

That's the thing though a laptop and a tablet serve two different purposes. If you want a laptop then you're never gonna be happy with a tablet, if you want something for reading books, comics, watching movies and playing touch games on though, a tablets the way to go. My wife uses her tablet as basically a

nah the wired headphones plug directly into the lightning port, you don't need the adapter to use em. You only need the adapter if you have normal peasant headphones.

I have a pair of big fancy over ear headphones for my computer at home, but yeah I destroy headphones with my phone so nothing more then 10 bucks gets spent on that shit.

It's only losing functionality if you assume it's a replacement for a laptop.

God watching videos of Haryhausen work is insane. I still have trouble beleiving that he was a one man operation, that doesn't seem actually possible for the shit he was doing.