
to be fair was asexual even a term used to describe sexuality in the 1800's? I didn't think they were too excepting of different sexualities back then.

no fuck that, Ambidextrous people don't exist that's bullshit.

wow that's… depressingly true.

ha if you want, you don't need to bother putting yourself out to satisfy my morbid curioisity though.

I know, I fucked up man, I fucked up bad.

I'm honestly dissapointed all his comments seem to have been deleted so I can't see how much of a fuckwit he is. (Other then this one obvious super fuckwit comment)

YOU FUCKING BETA MALE WHITE KNIGHTING CUCK! This is what the SJW's do to people, turn on a regular red blooded man that enjoys nothing more then threatning to rape women that dissagree with them on twitter, and turning them into pathetic eunichs that are all about 'women being people' and 'women deserving to not have

Yeah you're right I don't disagree, I think what's more important is that they find an actor that captures why people actually like MJ as a charecter rather then one that matches her physically. And so far Marvel have been pretty spot on with that. I've never heard of Zendaya before but they've earned my trust at this

First the black costume is totes canon in the comics as his early pre ugly yellow/brown suit
Wich is why there wasn't really any fanboy bitching about him being in that suit rather then the Red, cause that's canon to what he wore when he was starting.

FUCK! I just realised Emma Stone played Gwen not MJ. Fucking christ Ben this entire comment is a fucking mess. Get your shit together.

Nah that doesn't count, otherwise you can't have Chris Evans Cap since he's the torch

Ah man didn't realise she was in Luke Cage, well clearly this won't stand. Time to boycott all future marvel productions and burn all my marvel blu-rays.

perhapse it would have been better to say they allready did a race bent MJ by having her be Asian in the last movies?

That was the entire point of the joke.

" There would be just as much (and probably more) complaining if Archie were portrayed without red hair"
It's adorable that you think that the reaction to casting an archie movie with anything wouldn't be more along the lines of 'why the fuck are they making an archie movie'

Also honestly AV Club, I'm dissapointed I had to be the first person to make this joke. Come on people.

Honestly I totally get why people flip out over her hair colour.
The iconic look of like Daredevil is his costume, people know the daredevil costume without knowing what he looks like underneath it.
For a charecter without a costume, their superficial physical chareteristics like red hair kind of become their 'costume'

If they wanted to shock everyone with a race bent casting, why not make Mary Jane asian and cast Emma Stone?

That's a fair point, I don't think they have any say over there natural appearence, but they can defintly cast glamours and shit to change how other people see them. And yeah if you see everything, and you see Elba, why the fuck wouldn't you be Elba?

That's fucking stupid, Idris Elba is allready Heimdel, you can't have him playing two roles in the Marvel universe.