
Make sure you watch Riddick too. It's great

They do hold back though, the roastee gets to a point certain things as completely off limits.

putting spoiler after you've said the spoiler doesn't really count.

when has that hurt literally anyone's carreer? I mean shit how many years of rape allegations did it take to catch up to Cosby?

doesn't he show up in all the sandler movies?

Batman is basically written the comic book version of that I'm 14 and this is edgy reddit.

ah fair enough.

oh my god that onion article is just the most brutal shit in the world….

I loved the
Dianne"Just say it on 3"
Mr PB "You should get an abortion"
Mr PB "Oh no, we said different things…."

A network in a different country that happened to run the show failed, the show didn't fail.

Please like me is Fantastic, shame that apparently no one in the US gave a shit.

Wasn't the canon in the comics that Harley basically fucked her way to a PhD?
So if she's doing that she could have gotten it early? I guess? I mean it points to her teachers not having much in the way of morals or standards.

wow thats fucked

You might wanna re-read my post again, my problem isn't that I don't like pixel art as an aesthetic, my problem isn't with the aesthetic at all, it's that 90% of people using the aesthetic do it badly and a lot of games that use it would be actively better with a different art style.

Well it would be if there weren't WAY weirder Mario games. There's like Mario brand Carmen Sandiago and shit remember.

"who wants to play the same levels you just played, only with more spikes and trickier jumps?"
Ha that's exactly why I loved it. I didn't get into Megaman untill pretty late in my life (Like 5 years ago) but by that time I'd allready gotten hooked on like super meat boy and I wanna be the guy so I loved that shit.

I don't remember the flicker/slow-down being that bad in MM3? At least not worse then MM1. The other stuff is kind of why I love it though.

Honestly I'd say the first looks more like Steven Universe then any kinda manga. Unless you're counting like, the fact that Steven Universe has a loose anime influences that then kind of filter down through someone else who is influenced by it etc. But if that's the case then what doesn't?
The Meek looks more like

holy shit I'd never heard that this existed?!

ok I only just got home and got a chance to listen to this. ITS SO FUCKING GOOD?! Holy shit.