
Most of the stuff I've seen was on the cartoon brew account, posting for people to contact if they want to talk about stuff.

Space Battle Lunchtime looks like an all ages version of the fantastic Wonton Soup comic by James Stokoes of Orc STain and Godzilla fame. Fantastic little comic, heaps of fun and if you're into cooking stuff strongly reccomend it

Trapper is named for his habbit of trapping women and raping them.
The lone female charecters name is Hot Lips.

Don't worry man that's just the start, and what they do before they leave will really take your breath away (And also your furniture… but I'm saying too much allready)

I think the show is soft core porn masquerading as a story.

That's insane, by that logic the movie should just say "Paramount" or whatever at the begining and be done with it. The animators/special effects artists are just as integral to telling stories in these movies as the actors or writers or directors. Without them life of pi is a movie about a kid sitting in a pool with

I still think the best idea to save how to watch the olympics is the condemed olympics, where if ever anyone is caught as a drug cheat, they get put into teh drug cheat only olympics where everyone is alowed as many performance enhancing drugs as they want.

You could say buying this game would make the creators actively come into my house and shit on my cat, I'd still buy it cause holy shit it's fucking stunning to look at.

…yes? Like… really clearly obviously yes.

I would have called us a website full of random perverts. You know, just to really clear the air about what you're in for.

Did he manage to cramp that 2 minutes with a single still shot of two charecters staring at eachother with classical music playing over the background like he did in NGE.

Any problems I had with 2014 godzilla evaporated the moment big G plasma breathed down the Muto's throat.

*video is no longer available due to copyright claims*
mother fuckers.

I'm not sure if that's standard practice, but if it is that's dodgy as fuck. You still worked on the movie. You should be in the credits.

Cartoon Brew's is website that is frequented by industry people. The commentators are 9 times out of 10 from the industry. It's not some random website full of randos.

There's actually a whole weird thing going on with Zone and Skullgirls,
She originally made the skullgirls porn parody thing with Fillia, and hte Lab Zeros guys saw that, and realised she'd recreated their entire UI (Health bars, logos etc) in vector files (I'm not sure how familiar you are with image file

Turns out I was mistaken, the animators guild totally covers Canada, so they have unionised and are still being treated like shit.

" We need to hear if they were rewarded for the Herculean effort, or if it goes south, but don't jump to conclusions."
Half of the animation staff aren't even in the films credits.

I get that you want to talk with contempt about a field you know nothing about, and that's cool I guess. But animators unionised… like in the 1930's…. This was done in a different country that doesn't fall under that guild though.

Vogon Poetry already beat you to that joke at the expense of my grammar sorry.