
It's not about you being an asshole (Though you are) And you don't need to acknowledge everybodies version of the truth. But you need to acknowledge that everyone HAS their own version of the truth. Not acknowledging that doens't make you smarter or better, it makes you ignorant to the simple facts of how the world

No you're an idiot then.
If you so believe strongly in science and reason, then you should know that mental handicaps are a scientifcally provable thing caused by faults in brain chemistry and other things.

" and it sure beats life ending debt,"
Uh I think that seems like a bigger problem then someone pedeling the healing powers of pot

How does the shape of what their animating have any effect on costs? This isn't 2D where every extra line costs more money.

Don't fetish shame me man.

Seth McFarlane, dude that made Family Guy.

"If you keep working there and bitching on online anonymous forums nothing will change."
He says, while working in healthcare anonymously bitching online about it.

He's apparently trying to get more solid info before writing the article about the wage shit. He's been posting on twitter trying to get people to contact him for interviews and shit so he isn't just slamming them based on rumors.

If sexy naked men are more your thing, the dude that drew the frankly fantastic kids comic Lions Tigers and Bears is known for drawing sexy naked men. Can't recall his name off the top of my head though.

Commenters in a comment section filled with industry proffesionals talking about an industry that's constantly fucking over animators with wage theft.

If you ever want to see the older sister from Lilo and Stitch naked, the guy that made that movie is a prolific drawer of the sexy naked ladies by the name of Chris Sanders

Zone is a person not a group, she was a contract aniamtor that worked on Skullgirls, I think she might have become a regular at lab zero now

I swear I have vauge memories of Madame Web going evil at some point, but I could be crazy. Also wasn't Silver Sable one of those 'some times friends some times enemies' charecters depending on the situation.

I keep thinking, the guys that made Batman: Brave and the Bold nailed this concept, they created a new villain specifically for a musical episode with Music Meister, that ended up being one of the best episodes. So it's totally possible. But again those guys established themselves as knowing what they were doing with

or hell, make it a weird experimental comic book, that seems like something that would be right up Alan Moore's ally. (Well maybe… pre bugfuck insane Alan Moore)

yeah true, if they'd pulled it off then all the complaints would fall away. But they didn't. They failed miserablly, and them coming up with excuses like 'we needed a female villian so we had to make a new charecter' while ignoring a bunch of actual female spiderman vilians kind of makes it seem like one of the

In AC2 they show that Desmond is kind of going insane and seeing the Animus stuff in the real world wich justifies a lot of the effects carrying over, and the other games have those weird first person exploration non video gamey bits.

I think the problem isn't them adding a new charecter, I think the problem is that this was the first go of them handling this charecter and they wanted to put a new charecter in.

Sounds much the same as the live action How to Train your Dragon show that had all the dragons made by the walking with dinosaurs people. That shit was fantastic so I'm down as fuck. Now just to hope it comes down to aus.

"are walkign dead spoilers protected by copyright law"
No, that's dumb