
Holy shit I just looked up a trailer for it, Someone flips a fucking truck on stage. Like a dude in power armour rolls over a truck with his hands.

HOW THE FUCK HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS SHOW?! That sounds god damm amazing.

well that just ruins the image of them as like super villians from Gem and the Hollograms.

"then we did need a strong female antagonist."
Black Cat? Silver Sable? Madam Webb? Fuck you can go for a deep pull and get someone like Scream or Shriek?

"but Spidey is a bright, sunshiney dude,"
The running theme of spiderman is constant failure and missery.
'that old parker luck' etc.

Write a story that doesn't hinge on elaborate special effects and wire works.

"they also try to put it into their contracts that they'd pay some small fraction of all their future shows under the impression they're going to get a higher turnout based on the NFL's exposure."

you knwo damm well why they dont pay you. Ever since the… unpleasantness. We do our best to just pretend we don't see you.

Its' just Dragon Ball Z really, with screaming ki power ups replaced by charecter interaction and depth.

Season two ends with one of the biggest gut punches the show has ever pulled. (Still haven't finished s3 yet)

I was thinking 'man I'd never be able to be that dedicated fan to something' reading these comments, but then I read yours and yeah… I can totally do that. I don't even really consider myself that big of a marvel fan though.

the best thing about the supernatural fandom is the episodes of supernatural showing Sam and Dean finding out about the supernatural fandom and being fucking horrified by it.

Honestly their both fine as long as you don't just mindlessly friend/add everyone. I have my actual friends on facebook, the people I like talking to and care about their lifes, not like random uncles and cousins and shit. Same for twitter I follow people whops oppinions I want to hear.

god in the sea of shitfest parody movies from the 90's, Not another Teen movie is a fucking diamond.

As a commenter on the SU threads Ill never use proper punctuation| @nd u cant $t0p me!

Odd Future to perform at superbowl half time.

wait do they not pay the people at the superbowl half time?

The animus for everything in Assassins Creed. It's just the most fucking genius catch all solution.
"Why can you target people?" Animus
"Why can I understand everyone?" Animus
"Why do the NPC's act like video game NPC some times?" Animus
"Why did my horse fall through the world and my charecters face fall off?" Animus bug

I would personaly rate Terranigma over Chrono Trigger, it's just fantastic.

I was gonna call the first planet I started on "Planet: does butt stuff" But I hit enterto early and now it's just called Planet