
I've never actually seen the Last boy Scout, I realyl should fix that.

Long Kiss Goodnight is amazing, one of those movies I can just watch constantly forever.

Yeah the kickstarter wasn't even one of those huge blow up massive successes either, brought in under a mil. It's actually the fifth game in the Divinity franchise if you're interested, one of them is like… an RTS that you directly control a dragon that has a jet pack on and romance skeleton ladies.

Well it was a kickstarter game.

I didn't really like 13, but I thought Lightning was rad. What turned the game from being a 'this is dumb, I'll just move on' to "Fuck FF13 in a dumpster fire forever" was their fucking refusal to let it go. We got two fucking sequels to it and still have yet to get another proper (non mmo) FF games like 7 years later.

I fucked up naming my first planet so I'm currently exploring Planet: Planet.

I have a mate that keeps talking about all this cool shit going on in WoW and I get really excited and look up trailers for it and see the gameplay and just get hit with this overwhelming felling of 'oh god fuck this game forever'

I've not played Original SIn yet, but Divinity as a franchise seems far enough removed from Witcher so that it shouldn't be an issue. The big thing I love about Divinity games is their funny. Like they don't take the absurdity of themselves that seriously. In the first one stealthing through a dungeon I found two

I just started up No Mans Sky last night, spend 3 hours just exploring a planet I started on and giving things dumb names. I haven't even left the planet yet though my ships upgraded enough to leave, but I found a robot who I can't understand that wants rare silicon.

you're worse then hitler. Instinct for life.

I feel like Punch Drunk Love doesn't count as an Adam Sandler film, just a film with Adam Sandler in.

If the games designed so poorly you need a guide book, then fuck it a guide book aint cheating.

I think the most impressive thing Billie Dee William ever did is manage to be so cool that people don't even realise his name is William William.
Where are you going to find another actor that can pull of having the same name twice?

I think one of the biggest pushes is the rise of digital distribution. It means you can make a game on a smaller budget and distribution is basically free so you don't need to have a game that will sell 10 million copies to make a profit, you don't need to recoup costs of printing discs, making boxes, shipping shit

The HD texture packs on a bunch of games on dolphin are better then the official hd re-releases nintendo puts out. I'll take HD dolphin wind waker over wind waker wii-u any day of teh week.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

Honestly I see that as an advantage more then a dissadvantage, it means the show will be forced to stand on it's own rather then milk nostalgia by referencing past shows. Like the borg were cool, but fuck man if I never see another borg focused episode I will be FINE with that.

I woulnd't have minded the backtracking design so much if it was more clearly sign posted that you couldn't do something. I'm lucky I had my wife who had beaten the game with me cause I would spend like 15 minutes trying to get a jiggy or something and she'd walk past and be like "Oh you need the suction cup shoes

Ah that's fair enoguh about MKX/Tekken's footsies games. I never really played em to a level where footsies even mattered so I don't know that much about it.

Except they totally do.
Ubisoft the developers of Assassins Creed, Farcry, etc have in the past 5 years have developed a primarily 2D engine called Ubiarts and put out Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts and Gravity Falls.