
Have you played Zombi on the wii-u, it takes the farcry thing a step further, by having like your inventory management/lock picking etc be located on the second screen that doesn't pause the action, so like you are frantically looking back and forth between your gamepad and the tv checking weather your safe while you

I think it was valve that were saying how they struggled with getting people to actually look at what was important so they came up with the solution of having important things lit differently so everyone would instinctively pay attention to em.

Respawning requires you first despawn the enemy when it gets eaten, then set up a spawning location, then have that spawner respawn when not being viewed by the camera.

I loved BK back in the day, picked it up again when it got re-released on 360 and loved it just as much. Then I played Banjo Tooie in teh rare replay pack and… it kinda sucks.

oh jesus I tried replaying tomb raider 1 a while ago and that shit is borderline unplayable.
I used to play the shit out of T2 but going back after getting used to dual sticks and it's just… god it's awful.

" I’m struck by the notion that one day we could be playing games that require the simultaneous monitoring of several vantage points, "

I much prefered the 2.5d sequel because it had co-op. Played the absolute shit out of it with my best mate back in the day.

Fucking robot kangaroo city destruction level, never beat it.

Oh for sure, I don't want to take anything away from the SF3 sprites their absolutely incredible I just don't agree that their the pinnacle of sprites. They were for their time, but they've been surpassed.

"but seem to like broad American comedies"
I'm pretty sure we're supposed to call them 'women' now.

Regarding the counterpoint, Capcom is super fucking weird about that shit. They seem to want to avoid having characters change how they face too drastically to ruin their 'look' I guess. To the point that even when they moved to 3D they have the characters kind of flip like a 2D sprite rather then actually turn around.

There was some low quality 3d models that were used as the basis yeah, but I'm of the opinion that the methods don't matter, the end results are all that's really important, and the end results for KOF 12/13 are phenomenal.

honestly even moder SFV you can get by with a pretty limited combo game if you'r footsies are on point. Jump attack, low medium attack, special move basically works with everyone and will get you pretty far if you can land it consistently.

oh cool for global lighting, I get why they kept it out to keep the sprite look for Xrd, but I think it was a mistake, if you're doing 3D you shouldn't just try to immitate what 2D looks like, you should be taking advantage of what 3D can do as well.

Guilty gear never had the best animation in a 2D game, it had the highest resolution sprites, but that was it. The sprites in guilty gear are 12 fps and are simply flipped when your charecter turns around. The sprites in SF3 are 30 fps and redrawn when you turn around so that Elena's bangles stay on the correct hands,

CVS2 was made for fans of fighting games though. It's specifically aimed as a dream match for people that played both those companies games. I don't think anyone ever expected it to be an intro point for a fighter because that would be absurd.It's like Modern day Skullgirls, it's designed to be a highley complex

There's a tonne of 3D games from that era that hold up fantastically. As long as they were designed specifically around the control options they had presented to em. A lot of PS1 games kinda suck cause they were 3D but had digital movement and no stick. The N64 games hold up better because of a standard thumb stick,

I think it's kind of unfair to compare something like SF3 sprites to The Witcher 3, The Witcher 3 is going for kind of hyper realisim. Where as the sprite works of these games was never really trying for that. It's too different a standard to even really compare.

There's a GDC panel on youtube talking about how they acheived the effects, it's fucking bonkers how they did it, like there are no real texture files for the models, and there are like hidden invisible models over the top of them that are used entirely to cast shadows that look like propper 2D drawn shadows instead