
Over complication didn't drive people away from the arcades, the advent of arcade perfect home ports did. Why spend all that time going to arcades to play a game and spending a dollar per game if you can pay 40 bucks and get it at home. The only reason to go to an arcade became competition, and then online killed the

KOF 12/13 might not have been as bombastic as SF3's but the quality is easily on par if not better. I mean look at something like Terry's idle sprite http://www.fightersgenerati…

the kof 12/13 sprites were animated in 3D anyway. Basically they were 3D models that were animated and then used as a basis to do the sprites over the top.

To be fair, Resident Evil was basically 2D still, like mechanically if that game was just a top down 2D game it would play the same, it used a lot of fancy tricks but gameplay wise it's a 2D game.

There's been a bunch of talk about Rival Schools 3 lately so we might finally get to see it.

The main reason that KOF 14 looks so stiff and just, kinda half arsed is that it's the devs team first go at making a 3D game. Those guys don't know what their doing, they said they wanted thei practice game that is going to look poor to be built on their biggest IP so that it still manages to sell, so they can make

The MvC games are constantly at the mercy of whatever publishing deal Marvel has organised, it's an absolute cluster fuck and I'm not sure why Capcom keep putting themselves up for it, you can no longer buy the new ones either.

" Needing to learn multiple combos and special moves just to be able to play casually is absurd."
Huh? You have always needed to learn multiple specials/combos to play street fighter decently? SFV is probabbly the easiest to pick up Street Fighter has been in years.

"Red Earth. It was a lot like the monster-themed CPS-2 staple Darkstalkers, but with dragons and witches punching each other."
Red Earth plays nothing like Darkstalkers. It's only got 4 playable charecters because the entire point of the game is fighting 8 computer controlled giant boss monsters. It's like a fighting

Liike as gorgeous as SF3 looks, I feel like people hold it up as an impossible standard to meet in fighting game sprites even though, honestly it's been Surpassed. The Sprites in KOF 13 and Skullgirls honestly look better then it but people still put SF3 on this pedestle and kind of refuse to look at what other people

It's called a smear frame, and 3D games have started to use them. They are a lot harder to do in 3D because instead of just drawing them weirdly, you need to physically sculpt the model to look like that.
Check out GG Xrd's smear frames (Entirely 3D game)

I forgave it cause it was fucking awesome.

SFV has 0 cel shading. Cel chading would also not have done anything to change the stiff animation of KOF 14.
The entire point of King of Fighters sprites was to imitate realistic shading, so having them go Cel Shaded when they went 3D kind of defeats the point of the entire franchises visual style

You're histories greatest monster….

you wouldn't want to vacation in like a beautiful snowy hamlet, or like a rad techno wonderland (The setting of the last two disney CG movies?)

I swear when they made that movie called Epic it must have given clickbait sites an anuerisim.

yeah but that lead to the Sabotage scene, and honestly that scene was awesome enough that I was willing to look past the dumb conversation that spawned it.

I thought war speed in Star Wars worked as like some kinda interdimensional thing, so you wouldn't get a ship actually up to light speed, instead you'd just have a ship pop back into existence in the middle of a planet and get crushed rather then ram into a planet at light speed?

Isn't House of Cards supposed to be great? (Never watched it)

Obi Wan is the worst person in the fucking world….