
except when he's also wrong. Because he knows astrophysics, but seems to comment on FUCKING EVERYTHING.

that seems like a lot of effort for the ship to put out just to make it look cool for any outside observers?

I'm pretty sure Kevin Spacey paid out his community service or whatever fucking hellscape made him do that cat movie.

The only one that really shocks me is that Fox's Tale got a theatrical release, there's a huge industry for kids movie 'mockbusters' and they are almost as a rule nightmare fuel.
Check out the Bee Movie rip off Plan Bee If you never want to sleep again

I hope someone got fired for that blunder

man now I have to look up the PRetender to see how that show ended, I used to love that show but had completely forgotten it existed.

yeah but it's mostly related to concentration camps.

The difference is the Call of Duty games make aproximatley all the money in the world. They have cash to throw at dumb shit, this movie doesn't really look like it does.

Well he gave him self gout by putting on a shit tonne of weight for Chapter 27, a movie that has a lower fucking RT rating then Suicide Squad.
So I don't think the quality of the movie really matters much to him.

I think DIablo 2 ruined the franchise honestly. They bumped the amount of fucking drops to an absurd amount to the point where there is no reason to even pick up most gear. I much prefered the rarer drops that actually meant something from the first game.

Hyrule Warriors is an aquired taste for sure. If you like Dynasty Warriors type games and mindless hack n slash with a zelda theme, then it's fantastic and the amount of content in the game is actually kind of fucking staggering. But If you're not inot that kind of game you'll get bored.

If it's any help at all, the Vita has been hacked now so you can run Nes/Snes/Gennesis/Gameboy etc emulators on it.

I can't stand JRPG's or Visual novels, and the Vita is easily my faviourte hand held I've ever used. Tonnes of indie games on there that are amazing.

Not remoltely as intertwined as those ones, but I have a hard time thinking of Frank L Baums oz stuff now without Skottie Youngs art, it comes to my mind before even the films now. That shit was just so good.

Finally found my Vita charger, so I'm finishing off Severed, that games amazing. just everything about it is fantastic.

While I was unaware of the distinction and appreciate the clarification, I stand by my original point.

you were a bright red/blue zentai suit with a spider painted on it. Dude you don't get to comment on fashion.

But if he's really as method as he says he is, wouldn't it be more about what his character would do rather then what he would do?

Look we're all glossing over the most important thing about this movie, and that's a bit of trivia in the IMDB trivia page
"Despite the poster saying the Great Wall took 1700 years to build, it actually took approximately 20 years."

,,, why are you on this website then?