
It's also got that weird jazz secret agent song on that the end by a someone i've never heard of that I fucking love.

The basic reason that 3D is mainly prefered over 2D these days is more about a condensed workflow rather then any kind of great shortcuts.

It's not even a visual thing, its the names. At some point I thought Rosanne was in the Flintstones movie instead of Rosie O'Donnel and then the Ros bit of their names just got all mushed up in my head and I never really saw Rosie O'Donnel just read articles about her being a fucking nutbag (I'm not in hte US so I

Wasn't the dude making the comic basically as form of therapy to work through the death of his girlfriend? I can understand it wasn't the most tonally consistent shit in that case.

Fucking 1998 Godzilla, I loved that album even if the movie was absolute garbage.

Oh man I remember borrowing this off my goth older sister, I was pretty upset by the version of can't rain all the time not being the one from the film. I was too young to really dig into the whole goth thing though at the time.

When you're born in an era were public lynchings are just part of every day life, maybe don't use that as the standard by wich we should measure all others….

Yeah but it didn't have negative effects FOR HIM, so it can't be that bad right?

If someone came to my back door and asked to chop wood for a sandwidch I'd just be A: Confused about what kind of wood he wanted to chop and B: What the fuck is he doing in my backyard? I have a front door for a fucking reason? Weirdo.

man for the longest time I thoguht Rosie O'Donnel and Rosanne Barr were the same person and I was really sad that Rosanne had gone so fucking mental. Cause man Rosanne was the fucking best show.

"said a lot of dumb things,” but when he was a kid, “those things weren’t called racist,” so everybody just needs to stop making a big deal out of these dumb things and “fucking get over it.”"

Wait is she actually good in BvS? I've only seen her in Fast and the Furious and she's the worst actor in a cast that included Paul Walker, Vin Diesal and Gina Carano.

you don't care about his approval so much you have to comment just to let him know how much you don't care? That's kind of the opposite of not caring?

I tend to refer to frame by frame animation vs tweened animation but I'm not sure if that's globally accepted terminology or just something I've picked up while animating.
And even then it comes with a certain level of, I guess animation elitisim that i'm not really comfortable .

Oh god you're right, he's a fucking wrestling heel.

honestly I feel like some things should be off limits, like personal tradgedies to family members and shit, Shatners dead wife was off limits apparently and that seems fully fair enough.

worse, a living naked clown.

Can anonymous even be hypocrites? Their not really a unified group so much as a bunch of random people that occasionally work together if they agree on something. Like there's no more of a unified oppinion for anonymous as there would be for like the av club commenters.

So you're president get like 1 free murder right? Seth Meyers should probbably look at leaving the country if Trump wins.

holy shit that's creepy.