
Kind of a shame the combat didn't turn out good, combat was fantastic in Chrono Trigger.

check that dudes pokemon, if he isn't rocking a 2k+ Dragonite dude is def cheating on you.


You can get them in Australia for someone that doesn't like beans, man their so fucking good.

I think I'm having a stroke from reading that.

Jason Takes a Boat is entirely justified by one scene where the camera pans around a corner and finds Jason playing Darts.

Get drunk first, their not great, but their dumb fun.

I still say Jason X is my faviourte, but this is pretty up there too.

Honestly with modern 2D animation the difference between what you do being lazy in 3D aniamtion vs 2D animation isn't really a lot different. Basically think about the old paper dolls with tacks holding together the limbs so you can rotate shit around, you construct them in the computer and puppet them around and

Wow I got like… half way through the first article before I couldn't take it anymore, that's just… wow.

Look if you're gonna do Ruth Negga's hair then you should go for the style she had late in her run on Marve: Agents of Shield Be Bold, you can pull it off

oh cool I didn't know that. Is it sfw?

Man it's my faviourte Disney movie hey, it's so fucking good.

Oh if you wanted recomendations I can go all day on that.
Probbably the best thing to do is start to check out the CG movies other countries are putting out.

Honestly I think that's true of most things, as long as the writing/acting is good then it doesn't really matter about the production.

It's better then I expected from the concept, not as good as I expected from Sanders though.

yeah golden aged Disney is because of Esiner, but he completely screwed the pooch in the late 90's early 2000's.

Tangled isn't an accurate representation, that movie was in development for a long time and went through a lot of failed experiments before it came out. The original plan for the movie was to use a form of rendering that mimicked oil paintings, theres a bunch of early concept renders floating around that look

Story boarding does happen, but there's a huge difference between story boarding an animation, it's a fairly different skill set. The point of a story board is to quickly and simply convey the core of the movement. There isn't much of a concern about the drawings being good or anything, like simple figures as long as

Wouldn't really be a disney movie then, There are some amazing studios in Korea that will do seriously increible shit (Check out Aachi and Ssipak if you wanna see quality Korean made korean animation) But there's a lot of quality control issues with trying to convey your ideas to people on the other side of the