
Every movie I listed has it's own individual reasons for tanking.
Treasure Planet and Atlantis were their first attempt at appealing to a different market and htey didn't really know how to advertise them very well. Home on the Range just wasn't very good, Winnie the Pooh opened against harry Potter etc etc. But 6

You're right there is no superior method, but if you're looking at it as a buisness decision, 3D is the cheapest to produce.

Hey man if that's important to your masturbation I'm not gonna judge.

I don't think 2 is as good as one, but I still think it's a fantastic movie. It's like the difference between a 9/10 and a 10/10.

"I don't get why Disney can't have one CGI and one hand drawn film each year (Summer and Autumn/Christmas time)."

I honestly don't think awful CG looks worse then Awful hand drawn stuff. Cause man there is some AWFUL hand drawn stuff.

There is actually far far more variety to what you can do in CGI then what you can do in 2D animation.
It's just not that evident in movies because of cal arts (Basically all major studios hire from the same limited pool of tallent all coming from the same school that teach people to do things in the same style.)

AV club was my 'man I wish there was a site as good as Pajiba used to be' website.

Also I feel like it needs to be pointed out, if anyone feels that way Inclined Chris Sanders (The director and charecter designer for the movie) draws lots of NSFW porn stuff, of women that look a LOT like Nani.

I speak up to defend CGI all the time because online is so overwhelming biased to '2D ANIMATION IS THE BEST FOREVER!" and it's frustrating as hell. Like the original comment saying that hand drawn is better crafted with more care? Get fucked, CG animation is FUCKING HARD man.

two sequels, a TV show and an anime.

Chasing Chris Sanders out of Disney was easily the biggest mistake they ever made. The dude makes amazing films, and he could ahve been making em for Disney but they fucked him over hard with Bolt.
But we got How to Train your Dragon out of it so it's a win for viewers, but man Disney fucked up bad.

PS1 had dual analoug sticks but they weren't standard so not many games could really take advantage of em. Like you couldn't really design your entire game around having dual analouge sticks since you couldn't be sure everyone would have them. I think from memory Ape Escape was the only game that like needed the dual

It's not really an RPG, it's a first person arcadey mage game. Think like the old Hexen games.

Neither of the games are actually new to me this year, as I'd played both before, but only briefly.

It was the first major FPS shooter on a console with two sticks wasn't it? I know you could get kind of a similar thing going on like Goldeneye by setting the d-pad to move with the joystick to look.

It's not from this year but I played it for the first time this year but man.

Oh, not really then. Him and Sulu probbably have the least screen time. It's mainly Kirk, Spock and Bones. With decent side parts for Scotty/Uhura.

Aside from the expected stuff (Bojack is amazing, Steven Universe is amazing, Still trucking through One Piece, Still playing Gravity Rush)

He doesn't really get a send off at all, Nimoy does and they both have a dedication in the credits, but he died so shortly before the movie came out that there's nothing they could really do. Like the entire movie was done and finished.