
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with them in a live action setting, I don't think this version of them was handled very well, and the only other version we've seen was the Jenifer Garner Elektra movie wich… didn't do anything well.

Wasn't one of the big themes of that episode that Rose had secrets that Pearl didn't know? From memory Pearl didn't know about the big armory Rose had either with all the cannons and shit. That defenitly seems like a war thing.

If you haven't read King City I strongly recommend it. It's the same kind of insane world building but with entirely his really kind of clean simplistic art and way more surreal rather then…. gooey I guess. The book I got also constantly smells like pot and that just seems appropriate.

Honestly even without the charecterisation, I'm just facinated by the world they've set up. I'm almost curious enough to go back and read the liefield ones just to see how different they are

wait shit maybe I'm not reading prophet earth war? Maybe just prophet? I grabbed the first book that starts at like issue 21 after the liefield stuff finished.

Honestly like, hate Landis for his writing or his internet persona all you want, but it seems a little unfair to bring up the awful shit his dad did before he was even born to slam him for.

Millar is awful but Quietly is amazing so uh… what do you feel more?

I really can't decide if I like Quietly enough to counter my distaste for Millar.

I'm catching up on a lot of stuff that I've been missing.

The comicbook anthology series Sunbakery by Corey Lewis. There's been a lot of super high quality pop culture this year, but something about Corey Lewis's art makes me just giddy with happiness in everything he draws. More then perhapse any other creator reading a Corey Lewis comic, you can just tell he's having fun

… but why?

So everyone was saying 'hey switch up your order, follow Bojack with the Optimisim of steven!" and I was like, yeah that's a great idea, so I ended the night on Steven wanting to find out how to say he's sorry….

Couldn't disagree more with the stuff about the Mr Penutbutter b plot. The way it played the farcical sitcom bullshit up to the nth degree with mr Penutbutter being worried about fucking up and super dog like made the end where he calls Dianne out on her bullshit work. Without that set up, it would have been just more

were the women play and the… something something plunder?

Why couldn't dick smith have made an inferior immitator to Milo instead of his shitty wannabe Tim Tams before… running his company into the ground…

Nah man /pol/ is legit a terrifying mess of racist awfull bullshit, there's no self knowing winks or knowing irony in it, Just awful awful awful people. when I used to frquent 4chan even the rest of 4chan was like 'stay teh fuck away from /pol/'

Man in Australia we have a delicious chocolate malt powder you add to Milk called Milo. It's actually the best shit in the world. When I got on twitter and saw Free milo trending, I got super excited. Then… just really sad….

I'm assuming you're an aussie? If that's the case then yeah the amount people talk about them is HUGELY exagerated. Actual numbers had it as like a half of 1 percent of people on the Dole were fucking with the system.

Honestly the Hand aren't bad as a concept, they were badly…. handled (get it, get it… sorry)

I'm honestly not even sure why it's called inside anymore.