
The puzzles were easy but I think if theyd been harder it would have killed the pacing of the game. Like they felt exactly right for what the game was trying to do. But the mood and growing sense of dread would have been kind of stopped short if you had to stop and puzzle over what to do with this box for an hour or

I guess an attempt to seperate game as an experience from mechanics based games? Like purely based on how engaging the mechanics are. Inside is decent, it's a simple puzzle platformer, with some clever puzzles but doesn't really do anything special. Compared to say Furi wich is just an amazing example of pure fucking

The fact that my friends play it is honestly the only reason I keep coming back to it. Cause when I get into the matches with them, it's so fucking good.

"but is still hurt in some way Steven can't heal, that no one but the Diamonds can heal. "
We've been shown over the last couple of episodes that steven can use his dream powers to get into peoples minds and fix their issues that are purely mental with Kiki Then get told that the damage to centipeetle is more like

It weird's me out that now we kind of expect Netflix to save shows to the point they have to justify why they didn't and get angry at them. Like they didn't cancel the show. It's not their job to save you're darlings….

That was a big help that's for sure.

Nope, the one in. I think episode 7 with Punisher that I dont want to describe anymore cause spoilers.

Why don't you play Mercy then?

Depending on what country you live in, so you don't have to put up with misserable, heat stroke inducing heat?

Inside is just… fucking incredible. Played through it on the weekend and I haven't played such a thoroughly focused, tight, amazing peiece of flawless gaming content since Portal 1. Seriosuly there is literally no fault I can find with that game.

they were just rumors

the ninja stuff is pretty bad, but the best shit has nothing to do with ninjas and is in the last bunch of episodes, including best fight in the series.

He isn't, small arms fire and like melee weapons don't hurt him, hit him with a truck or throw him off a building and he's fucking dead though.

Well it seems like the hand is gonna be the plot for the Defenders wich means that DD s 3 would be all about kingpin and shit. Wich honestly would have me super hyped.

The episode hadn't even established it was a flashback at that point, the only reason I caught it was the episode description on netflix said it was going to be a flashback. Jesus that hurt.

Drop it, DROP IT DROP THE CD! Good boy!

Man I've been following Steven with Bojack Horseman, do you know how much of a mood whiplash that is? Like yay optimisim, everyone is trying to be good, people will find happiness! Followed straight by Everyones actually a piece of shit, happiness is fleeting, we will all die alone and miserable.

hes the wrong colour for lemurs,. their like grey and white and black. Def a meerkat.

The moment you can promise me your election won't have any knock on effects to me then you get to have your election in peace, but since you're a super power with enough weapons to end the world, you have to deal with the fact that the world cares who you give all those nukes to. And that they don't want the petulant

Ok I didn't pick up it was a grammar nit pick cause I'm an idiot. My apologies.